This repository contains the code for an API that serves a restaurant daily ranking service. As well as code, it also includes some testing data and configuration information. These kind of files do not normally belong in a repository, but are distributed anyway for convenience.
This solution utilizes Django Rest Framework. It also uses Huey for task scheduling.
There is only one app, named "restaurant". It has a bunch of views, serializers, models, and some helper functions, which have a TODO to be moved to their own python files.
The code and this README have a few todos. You can find all of them by looking up "TODO" using your favorite grep tool (like visual studio code).
- Vscode config for debugging django
- Default asgi file
- Django settings file
- Urls file
- Default asgi file
- Default admin file
- Default apps file
- Restaurant models
- Restaurant serializers
- Restaurant Huey periodic jobs
- Restaurant tests... empty for now
- Restaurant views
- Debug environment database
- Default manage file
- You're standing here <-
- This project's business requirements
- Python requirements file
- Huey settings file
1. Everyone can add/remove/update restaurants
This is implemented using the /restaurants endpoint and the Restaurant model.
2. Every user gets X (hardcoded, but "configurable") votes per
day. Each vote has a "weight". First user vote on the same
restaurant counts as 1, second as 0.5, 3rd and all subsequent
votes as 0.25.
2.1. If a voting result is the same on multiple restaurants, the
winner is the one who got more distinct users to vote on it.
Configurable vote count: implemented using an environment variable and a default setting.
Vote count: Implemented with a dedicated model: VoteCount.
Vote weight: Calculated by the API on the fly using VoteCount.
Winner calculation: Implemented with the model DailyWinner, it is calculated every day by a periodic task in convious\restaurant\
The API endpoint is /votes
3. Every day vote amounts are reset. Unused previous day votes are
VoteCount is reset every day by a periodic task in convious\restaurant\
4. Show the history of selected restaurants per time period. For
example, the front-end should be able to query which restaurant
won the vote on a specific day.
This is implemented using the /dailywinners endpoint and the Restaurant model. Currently it only supports listing all restaurants and quarying specific dates. TODO: Add query support for arbitrary time periods (e.g. 2022-03-01 to 2022-03-30).
5. Do not forget that frontend dev will need a way to show which
restaurants users can vote on and which restaurant is a winner
This is implemented using the /restaurants endpoint and the Restaurant model. Currently, the API required user authentication, which we may not want. TODO: Remove user authentication requirement from parts of the API where it is not wanted, TBD.
6. Readme on how to use the API, launch the project, etc.
You're standing here <-
# Optional, making sure that we have the venv package installed, for example using Ubuntu:
apt-get install -y python3-venv
# Installing a new venv in the project directory:
python -m venv venv
# “Activating” the virtual environment. This shell session will now be using the virtual environment instead of the global interpreter:
. venv/bin/activate
# Installing all requirements in venv:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python migrate
python runserver
If your vscode has a Python extension, open any file and debug. The repository includes the needed configuration.