
In this project, we implement a Hand Gesture Recognition System. Given an image containing a single hand, our system classifies the hand gesture into one of six digits (from 0 to 5).

Primary LanguagePython

Hand Gesture Recognition Project

This project aims to put your understanding of machine learning algorithms into practice with a real world problem.


you can download all the packages used using conda or pip

  1. This will create new environment from scratch with all listed modules.

    conda env create -f environment.yml

    if this option stuck at solving environment step, you may need to run : conda config --set channel_priority strict

  2. If you already have an env and want to install the modules only you can use The --prune option removes any packages that are not listed in the environment.yml file.

    conda env update -f environment.yml

  3. Or using pip

    pip install -r requirements-pip.txt


Hand Gesture of the Colombian sign language

Option 1: download the processed data

download https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1o9wzwaJVfrbpCFJ0rIyed1QvARh0JAtn

unzip the zipfile and put it all into data folder

Option 2: run the data insertion script data_insertion.py

It will handle everything from downloading into extracting data into /data folder.

However you would need to have gdown library installed. (included in requirements.txt)

Data Preparation

1. Data Visualization


2. Illumination Processing

We perform illumination processing in order to remove shadows and segment the hand and the background illuminated

3. Alignment of images

We detect each hand's orientation and orient all images in the same direction aligned

4. Edge Detection

We perform edge detection edge_detected

Feature Extraction

We use:

  • Hog Features
  • RI HOG Features
  • LBP Features
  • SIFT Features
  • DAISY Features
  • Fourrier Descriptor Features
  • ORB Features
  • Hu moments Features
  • Convex Hull Features
  • Elliptical fourrier descriptor features

We found DAISY features to give the best results We then perform PCA to reduce the feature's dimensionality

Model Training

We use a small Neural Network with 2 layers We use ReLU activation functions, categorical cross entropy loss function and adam optimizer

Model Evaluation

Accuracy: 79.6%