
Slimmemeterportal.nl - Scraper

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Slimmemeterportal.nl data scraper


This short script provides a way to get the data from slimmemeterportal into my own database, because they didn't offer an API.


First hook op the Peewee model to the database by changing this line:

db = peewee.MySQLDatabase("database_name", host="localhost", user="root", password="password")

Then run in an interpreter:

import scraper

That creates the necessary tables in the database and should on be run once. From now on you just call:

import scraper
scrape(unix_timestamp, email, password)


  • Peewee
  • Mechanize
  • xlrd (for the excel sheets)


  • Increase commandline ease of use
  • Store the auth details in a pickled file or something
  • Move to a class based scraper