Algorithms and Data Structures in C++

C++ is a general-purpose programming language which has evolved over the years and is used to develop software for many different sectors. Using C++ we are trying to solve popular data structure and algorithms problems asked in Famous compinies (Google , Facebook , snapchat , etc)

About Me

I am Amit Nadiger, currently working as Software Engineering manager in Japan.

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You should know basic of C,C++. I used gcc compier for compilation , compier version: gcc version 8.1.0

Big O , Big Omega, Big Theta Notation

Big O means your algorithm will execute in no more steps than in given expression

Big Omega means your algorithm will execute in no fewer steps than in the given expression

When both condition are true for the same expression, you can use the big theta notation....

If an algorithm is of Θ(g(n)), it means that the running time of the algorithm as n (input size) gets larger is proportional to g(n).

If an algorithm is of O(g(n)), it means that the running time of the algorithm as n gets larger is at most proportional to g(n).

Normally, even when people talk about O(g(n)) they actually mean Θ(g(n)) but technically, there is a difference.


O(n) represents upper bound. Θ(n) means tight bound. Ω(n) represents lower bound.

f(x) = Θ(g(x)) iff f(x) = O(g(x)) and f(x) = Ω(g(x))

Big O Notation

Big O notation is used to classify algorithms according to how their running time or space requirements grow as the input size grows. On the chart below you may find most common orders of growth of algorithms specified in Big O notation.

Source: Big O Cheat Sheet.

Below is the list of some of the most used Big O notations and their performance comparisons against different sizes of the input data.

Big O Notation Computations for 10 elements Computations for 100 elements Computations for 1000 elements
O(1) 1 1 1
O(log N) 1 2 3
O(N) 10 100 1000
O(N log N) 10 200 3000
O(N^2) 100 10000 1000000
O(2^N) 1024 1.26e+29 1.07e+301
O(N!) 3628800 9.3e+157 4.02e+2567

Data Structure Operations Complexity

Data Structure Access Search Insertion Deletion Comments
Array 1 n n n
Stack n n 1 1
Queue n n 1 1
Linked List n n 1 n
Hash Table - 1 1 1 In case of perfect hash function costs would be O(1) Ex; unordered_map,unordered_set,unordered_multimap,unordered_multiset
Binary Search Tree n n n n In case of balanced tree costs would be O(log(n))
B-Tree log(n) log(n) log(n) log(n)
Red-Black Tree log(n) log(n) log(n) log(n) Ex; map , set,multiset ,multimap
AVL Tree log(n) log(n) log(n) log(n)
Bloom Filter - 1 1 - False positives are possible while searching

Array Sorting Algorithms Complexity

Name Best Average Worst Memory Stable Comments
Bubble sort n n2 n2 1 Yes
Insertion sort n n2 n2 1 Yes
Selection sort n2 n2 n2 1 No
Heap sort n log(n) n log(n) n log(n) 1 No
Merge sort n log(n) n log(n) n log(n) n Yes
Quick sort n log(n) n log(n) n2 log(n) No Quicksort is usually done in-place with O(log(n)) stack space
Shell sort n log(n) depends on gap sequence n (log(n))2 1 No
Counting sort n + r n + r n + r n + r Yes r - biggest number in array
Radix sort n * k n * k n * k n + k Yes k - length of longest key