
You can connect to your cluster via command-line or using a dashboard. Open the terminal and copy paste the below commad line access from gcp kubernetes engine console by pressing "connect". Configure kubectl command line access by running the following command on your terminal: Below command will be different at your gcp dashboard For ex:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials standard-cluster-1 --zone us-central1-a --project elegant-expanse-90876

Now you are able to connect from terminal to gcp cluster. Run below command:

kubectl get nodes

If you face an error that it can't find kubectl then check if it is installed:

gcloud components list

If it is not there then install it:

gcloud install components  kubectl

If it is still not there run below command and see in which folder it is located :

find / -type f -name kubectl 2>/dev/null

Copy the output you see from the above command and now make sure to put it inside of vim ~/.bash_profile

export PATH=/usr/local/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/bin:$PATH

Run below source ~/.bash_profile, see if it there which kubectl Final step: kubectl get nodes