
Message Relay Service for Swift/Obj-C. Messenger service that utilizes protocols to post/listen to host of items. Can be useful in apps designed around plug-in pattern and to generally keep messaging in app more declarative and safe.

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Message Relay Service (MRS.)

Message Relay Service for Swift/Obj-C. This is a messaging service that utilizes protocols to subscribe/publish through a dispatch and receiver. This can be useful in apps designed around plug-in pattern, and others.

How is this different than NotificationCenter?

Protocols ofcourse! Using a protocol adds a layer of decoupling (like we do for delegation), and ensures you aren't able to send a message the listener isn't expecting.

You'll create a Dispatcher and Receiver, initialed with a specified protocol. Listeners will add to the Dispatcher, which will compiler enforce they are of the protocol type on the addListener method. The Receiver object acts as a proxy for the protocol type, so that any method in protocol, is available to be called on the Receiver object. Calling a method on the Receiver, triggers that same method on all of the listeners!

How do I set this thing up?

  1. Create your protocol!
@objc protocol PlaybackProtocol {
    func hasBecomeReady(duration: Double)
    func timeUpdated(time: Double)
    func playTriggered()
    func pauseTriggered()
  1. setup your dispatcher! (and receiver)
    # replace `PlaybackProtocol` here with whatever protocl you are using!
    let playbackDisatch: MRSDispatcher<PlaybackProtocol> = MRSDispatcher()
    let playbackReciever: PlaybackProtocol = playbackDisatch.targetReciever
  1. add a listener! (as many listeners as you want!)

// add protcol to class!
class TimeDisplayViewController: UIViewController, PlaybackProtocol {

// don't forget the method for protocol! (compiler won't let you forget, so don't worry bout it.)
    func hasBecomeReady(duration: Double) { ... }
    func timeUpdated(time: Double) { ... }
    func playTriggered() { ... }
    func pauseTriggered() { ... }

// listen to that dispatcher!!!
func viewDidLoad() {
    // Here we go!
  1. Fire the dispatcher, and the listener's methods get called!!!
func myTimeHasChanged(newTime: Double) {

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