
A Midjourney Clone made with React-App and Tailwind CSS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


a midjourney clone using openAI AI image generation


what you will need to run this app:

  1. create an OPEN AI account then create a secret api key here
  2. create a mongodb account, create a cluster, and get the connection string
  3. create a cloudinary account, get a secret KEY and it's secret

how to clone this repository:

cd into the folder you want to copy this repo clone it:

git clone https://github.com/Nadzt/midjourney-clone.git

cd into the client folder and install the dependencies:

cd client/
npm i

now go back, cd into the server and install the dependencies there:

cd ../server/
npm i

now, with a code editor go into the server file, create a ".env" file, write this:

OPENAI_API_KEY="here goes your openapi api secret key"
MONGODB_URL="here goes the mongodb url"
CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME="your cloudinary cloud name"
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY="cloudinary api key"
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET="cloudinary api secret"

now you're ready, start the server with one terminal by going into the server folder and then running "npm start"

cd server/
npm start

if this doesnt work, you might need to install nodemon, if you do not wish to do so, in the server/package.json file change "start": "nodemon index" for "start": "index"

with ANOTHER terminal, go into the client folder and start the client with "npm run dev":

cd client/
npm run dev

done, go to the link displayed on your terminal!