React Dashboard Boilerplate
React Dashboard Boilerplate

A React Dashboard Boilerplate built to Scale

Key FeaturesHow To UseHow To UseApplication StructureLicense

Key Features

  • 🔥 Built with CRA but extendable

    • Comes with the latest CRA scripts and config
    • To extend the CRA webpack config, use craco.config.js file. No need to eject
  • 📈 Redux and Redux Saga but with less boilerplate. See store

  • 💙 Ant Design

    • Configurable Ant theme variables out of the box. To change theme variables, go and modify/add on craco.config.js
    • Localized Ant Design Component for better multilingual support
  • 👮 Eslint and Prettier configured with git hooks

    • Eslint and prettier configured together for auto save format and error checks
    • No git commit allowed if errors and warnings are present
  • 🙌 Global HTTP error and auth handler. See services

  • 💅 Styled Components and more goodies on styles

  • ⚡ Codesplitting

    • Native React Lazy loaded pages/components with Suspense
    • Custom loader animation added
  • 🔠 Multilingual. See config

  • 🎨 Less and Bootstrap utility classes. See styles

  • 🚀 Develepment scope based App config file for deployment. See config

How To Use

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. Recommended to use Yarn for the project.

From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone repo-link

# Go into the repository
$ cd react-dashboard-boilerplate

# Install dependencies
$ yarn install or npm i

# Run the app for development scope
$ yarn start

# Run the app for production scope
$ yarn start-prod

# Build the app
$ yarn build

# Serve the app locally
$ yarn build

Application structure

The directory layout of this boilerplate

├── .vscode                 # Vscode config, for autoformat on save.
├── build                   # After running the build command the build files get put here
├── node_modules            # NPM dependency folder
├── public                  # Reacts public folder for the html and static assets
├── src                     # Source directory for the React Application
├── src                     # Source directory for the React Application
│   │
│   ├── api                   # API async functions folder.
│   ├── assets                # Static assets folder for the global scope. Example: images, icons, fonts etc.
│   ├── components            # Typical React component folder but only for global components.
│   ├── config                # App config (More details inside the folder)
│   ├── features              # Features pattern folder for Application features (More details inside the folder)
│   ├── lib                   # Global helper functions and custom hooks folder
│   ├── pages                 # Pages component folder
│   ├── router                # Application navigation/routing config (More details inside the folder)
│   ├── services              # Folder for services like custom axios instance, analytics etc.
│   ├── store                 # Application Redux store
│   ├── styles                # Custom SC components, CSS, less utilities
│   └── App.js                # Entry component for the React App.
├── craco.config.js         # Extend Webpack config (example: Ant Design theme variable modifying)
├── jsconfig.json           # Adjust file paths to use absolute file path for React
├── package.json            # The NPM config file for all the packages installed and scripts and more
├── .env                    # Store API Url, Secret API keys etc
├── .eslintrc               # Configure Eslint
├── .eslinignore            # ignore certain files for Eslint
├── .gitignore              # ignore certain files for git (example: .env)
├── .prettierrc             # Configure prettier (example: .env)
└── .prettierignore         # ignore certain files for Prettier


This software uses the following open source packages:
