run cron jobs with sidekiq, delayed_job, resque, or sucker_punch
- background process handler: sidekiq, delayed_job, resque, or sucker_punch
gem "delayed_cron", "0.2.4"
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
# Define in Model
# * this is an alternative to the cron_jobs array in config
# OPTIONS: *optional
# - interval - override default_inteveral from setup
# - at - set time of day the cron should be run, timezone and seconds are optional
cron_job :some_method_to_run_as_cron, interval: 3.days, at: "00:00:00 -0400"
def self.some_method_to_run_as_cron
# this method will be run every 3 days at midnight
DelayedCron.setup do |config|
# default interval to run cron jobs
config.default_interval = 10.minutes
# array of methods to run at the above configured interval
config.cron_jobs = [
"SomeClass.expensive_task", # will run at default interval
{ job: "AnotherClass.other_expensive_task", interval: 1.hour } # override default
- when using with sidekiq and rails there can be a config/initializer load order issue. Below is a fix to insure sidekiq is loaded first
Rails.application.config.after_initialize do
DelayedCron.setup do |config|
This initializes dealyed cron after all other initializers have loaded.
- add support for Resque