
Bookstore is a flutter app that uses the Google Books APIs to show users books and lets them add/remove books from their favorite list. Authetication is handled using Sign in With Google. Users favorite list is stored in Firebase Cloud Firestore

Currently the Add to favorite & Remove from favorite is pretty much ambigous. Pressing on the Heart icon of book card checks if the book is already in favorites. Based on that it either removes the book from favorites or add the book in favorites. There's not much of a visual feedback to that. Only a toast is shown.

Getting Started

  • clone the git repository git clone
  • cd into the directory cd bookstore
  • install dependencies flutter pub get

You'll need to add your google-services.json that contains your fingerprint(SHA-1) in order to Sign Up work

No splash screen?

  • run flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:create to generate splash screen

No app icon?

  • run flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main to generate app icon

This app utilizes bloc to manage states. Typical data flow is shown with diagram below:



flutter build apk --release
