- Update App Installer from Store.
- 7-zip
- Change touchbar driver to Windows Precision
- Delete/Uninstall unnecessary windows bloat
- Brave Browser
- git
winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget
- VScode
- Copy VSCode settings
- settings.json inside
- Run vscode extension installer script
- settings.json inside
- Run Ninite (Discord, SumatraPDF, VLC, WinRAR, Zoom)
- Windows Terminal (from store)
- settings.json inside
- settings.json inside
- FiraCode Nerd Font
- AutoHotKey
- WSL2
- Setup Node.js
To check if bloatware is removed run, Select-String "name-of-app"
- Add PowerShell setup steps
- Explore different Windows package manager & write script to install apps