A Dotnet Console app to showcase learning `Domain Driven Design` and `RabbitMQ`.

Primary LanguageC#

CLI-AFK - Domain-Driven Design Documentation


image info

High level overview

This document describes the design of simple game using Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles. The game allows players to earn points, join a clan, and contribute points to their clans.


  1. Player: The user
  2. PlayerEarn: The player earning points (when entered the playing state in client app).
  3. PlayerContribution: The player earning in a clan (already joined a clan).


  1. Player: The player is the main entity. Each player has a unique ID, a name and a PlayerEarn records, which the some of it indicate the player total earned points.

  2. Clan: A clan is a group of players. Each clan has a unique ID, a name, and points which is the sum of its players contributions.

Value Objects

  1. PlayerEarn: Player earning records, the total of records indicate player total points.
  2. PlayerContribution: Player points contribution in a clan, the total contributions in a clan indicate the clan total points, the total contributions of a player in a clan indicate the player total points in the clan.


  1. Player: The player is an aggregate root. All operations related to a player must go through the player aggregate.
  2. Clan: Similarly, the clan is also an aggregate root. All operations related to a clan must go through the clan aggregate.

Domain Events

  1. PlayerEarned: This event is triggered when a player earn points.
  2. PointsContributed: This event is triggered when a player earn point in a clan.


  1. ClanManagement Service: This service handles the clan operations, adding and removing players, and managing clan points.
  2. PlayerManagement Service: This service handles player operation, currently, earning only.



Open a new terminal and navigate to Console app cli-afk. install dependencies, then run the app

dotnet restore
dotnet run

The app will run and wait for messages to consume.

Service is running and waiting for messages to consume!


Open a new terminal and navigate to Console app cli-afk-client. install dependencies, then run the app

dotnet restore
dotnet run

The app will run and you'll be asked to login with a username.

----------- Welcome! -------
Enter your player name to login
Welcome <name>
    Enter the following options to perform an action:
    1 - Start playing
    2 - List clans

Enter 1 to start playing.

Every time you play, you start with 0, the number will increase by 1 for every second as long as you playing.

Welcome <name>

from Database

sqlite> select name from player;
sqlite> select name from clan;
sqlite> select sum(points) from player_contribution where player_id = 'nafie' and clan_id = 'Knights';
sqlite> select name, clan_id from player;
sqlite> select sum(points) from player_contribution where player_id = 'nafie' and clan_id = 'Knights';
sqlite> select sum(points) from player_earn where player_id = 'Mona';
sqlite> select sum(points) from player_earn where player_id = 'Ali';

From RabbitMQ Dashboard image info