Bills. (backend)

Bills. is a full feature Online online billings record system.


Click or visit here:

Live API

Click or visit here:

Tech Stack

Client: Reactjs,React-Router-DOM, Redux-toolkit, Bootstrap, React-Hook-Form, Axios

Frontend Features

  • Unique Design and Interactive UI
  • Reusable component used for layout and forms
  • Dynamic table
    • Search table data
    • sort table data
    • Table data pagination
    • Edit/Delete option
    • Add New billing option
  • Data preload spinner
  • Simple 3 page web app. Login, Registration and Billings
  • Realistic Header,Footer

Website Screenshot

API Features

  • Custom JWT Auth
  • All protected routes
  • Used mongodb for storage of data
  • mongoose for server side data validation

Website Screenshot

Website Screenshot

Website Screenshot

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd billing-sytem-client

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run start
