
A cross-platform gltf model viewer made by Godot 4

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Model explorer

A gltf model viewer made by Godot 4




  • View gltf 2.0 models
  • Show meshes inside
  • Show materials inside
    • View material properties
  • Show textures inside
    • Quick view texture
  • Show animations inside
    • Quick play animation
  • Toggle wireframe mode
  • View UV map


  • Rotate: Mouse right button
  • Zoom: Mouse wheel
  • Pan: Mouse middle button
  • Double click material to show detial
  • Double click texture to view big picuture
  • Double click mesh to view UV
  • Double click model to view detail
  • W - toggle wireframe
  • G - hide grid
  • E - explode meshes


Open project in Godot 4 Beta 6, export it

Known Issues

  • Cannot load texture from *.gltf