
WYSIWYG editor for making photo collages

Primary LanguagePython

Perspective-Aware Collaging Tool

The following libraries are needed:

  • moderngl
  • Pillow
  • numpy
  • pyrr

Requires OpenGL ≥3.3

(Tested only on MacOS as of writing. However, since it only uses Python's built-in tkinter for GUI, there should be minimal issues running on other platforms.)

Quickstart Guide:

(TODO: add link for example data for people who download from GitHub.)

Run python3 main.py. Go to File -> Open and open one of the example scenes (e.g. scenes/LemonadeCollage.json).


  • Left-hand side: Tool selection.
    • AA-Scale: Axis-aligned scaling.
    • AA-Rot: Axis-aligned rotation.
    • Masking: Brush for removing/adding to an image's alpha channel.
  • Right-hand side: Layer slection.
    • Checkbox: select layer for transformation.
    • Arrows: Change layer order.
  • Top Panel: Single-click tools
    • Flip: Flip the image along the selected axis.
    • Rot 90: Rotate the image by 90 degrees along the selected axis.


  • 1,2,3: Select an axis (x, y, z respectively) to apply a transformation along.
  • Left Click/Drag: Apply the transformation by dragging horizontally.
  • Right Click/Drag: Pan camera.


  • File -> Save to save the current project. (Warning: some bugs are here, I would use Save-as instead.)
  • File -> Export save as a cubemap.
  • Layer -> Add Photo add a new object to the scene. Example objects are in data/.... Select the image. To add more images, use the calibration tool (below).
  • Layer -> Add Skybox add a new skybox to the scene. Example skyboxes are in data/skybox/.... Select the folder containing the skybox data.
  • Layer -> Open Calibration Tool open the tool for solving for a photo's principal point (optical center). Save by pressing save.
  • Layer -> Duplicate Selected duplicate the selected layers.
  • Layer -> Erase Selected delete the selected layers. Asks for user confirmation.

Have fun!