Use the package manager pip to install sapera.
pip install sapera
sapera can be run as a command-line program, in your terminal run
❯ sapera
sapera <command>
run -> Run sapera
r -> alias for run
update -> update sapera
u -> alias for update
update run -> update the database then run
u r -> alias for update run
help -> opens help
h -> alias for help
❯ sapera run
Here's an Algorithm of the Day
Name :Binary Tree Traversals
Algorithm Type: Traversals
Link to the Solution:
❯ sapera update
Running Script...
.............................. Done
Already upto Date!
❯ sapera update run
Running Script...
............................ Done
Already upto Date!
Here's an Algorithm of the Day
Name :Hamming Code
Algorithm Type: Hashes
Link to the Solution:
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