1. Java 8
  2. MySQL Database
  3. Jsp and Servlet
  4. Tomcat 9
  5. NetBeans IDE (with Java EE)
  6. Operating System (Windows/Mac/Linux)


  1. Direct Execution

    a. Install Java 8 (with JSP and Servlet) b. Install Tomcat 9 c. place 'ServiceNow.war' file in '\apache-tomcat-9.0.33\webapps' d. Include all the dependencies. e. Open Web Browser, type 'localhost:8080/ServiceNow' and hit Enter

  2. Using NetBeans IDE

    a. Install Java 8 (with JSP and Servlet) b. Install Tomcat 9 c. Install NetBeans IDE d. Install Java EE plugin in NetBeans IDE e. Open Project 'ServiceNow' in NetBeans f. Setup Tomcat Server in NetBeans g. Click 'Clean and Build' h. Run the Project i. Open Web Browser, type 'localhost:8080/ServiceNow' and hit Enter

Note: For execution of the Project, we need to setup MySQL Database with following credentials

User: servicenow_user
Database: service_now
Password: servicenow1234

for more connection details view 'ServiceNow/src/java/database/' file.
  1. Live Demo of Project

    Visit '' or Visit ''

Demo Credentials

  1. For admin Username: admin Password: admin

  2. For Employee Username: employee Password: employee

  3. For Support Username: support Password: support