Hotel Management System DEMO

Based on shubhank's awsome project, db bug fixed and new features added.

How to Run

  1. pip install -r requirements.txt

  2. Run

Directory Structure Description

📁 Useful Content
├── 📝                    // Guide
├── 📋 requirements.txt             // Library dependencies
└── 📁 Starrt-Hotel-Management-System   // Core code
    ├── 🖼️ image                     // File src
    ├── 🗄️ hm_proj.db                // SQLite database file
    ├── 📜           // Login system
    ├── 📜                   // Main function
    ├── 📜               // Main framework setup file
    └── 📜 test.txt                  // Password storage document

Version 1.0.1 - Content Update

  • Fixed known bugs 🐛🐛🐛
  • Improved UI aesthetics 🎨

Version 1.0.2 - Content Update

  • Fixed bug where previously selected payment method buttons remained selected
  • Fixed issue with incorrect storage of "payment method" attribute
  • Fixed issue with incorrect retrieval of "payment method" attribute from the database

Version 1.1.1 - Content Update

  • Added "Login" interface 🔐
  • Added functionality to visualize attributes such as "number of rooms" correctly from the database

Version 1.1.2 - Content Update

  • Fixed bug where entering incorrect password during login did not result in any punishment; now the program can be terminated properly
  • Improved login interface style 💻