Personal Portfolio

This project is a personal portfolio web application built using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and other modern technologies. The portfolio is designed to showcase your projects, share your personal links, and provide information about your projects to visitors.


  • Fast and Modern User Interface: Responsive and aesthetic design using Next.js and Tailwind CSS.
  • Animated Elements and Page Transitions: Smooth animations and transition effects using Framer Motion.
  • Project List: A detailed list of your projects fetched from GraphCMS.
  • Project Details: Brief descriptions of your projects, GitHub links, and other details.
  • Social Media Links: Direct links to your GitHub and LinkedIn profiles.

Technologies Used

  • Next.js: Modern React-based framework for routing and server-side rendering.
  • Tailwind CSS: Customizable and fast styling.
  • Framer Motion: Animation library for page transitions and animated elements.
  • Hygraph: Headless CMS for content management and data fetching.
  • GraphQL: Query language for retrieving data.
  • React-typical: For text effects and animations.
  • Next-themes: For dynamic theme switching.
