For Game Version 1.2.03
For PML Version 0.11.1
Mod Version 1.5.1
Developed by: Dragon
Host/Client Requirements: Host | Clients get better experience when installed
Support the developer:
- have PulsarModLoader installed
- go to \PULSARLostColony\Mods
- add the .dll included with this package
- Modifies fire cap from 20 to 10,000.
- Makes fire nodes spread more than once, as opposed to once per node, removing the snake effect
- Modifies oxygen consumption per fire.
- Syncs oxygen consumption between players with mod.
- Provides GUI for settings management
- Provides Commands for settings management
- Allows toggling between moddified fire and vanilla fire
- Saves and loads settings automatically.
Mod works by just being installed, and can be fine-tuned with commands or via the GUI. Command and subcommands are not case-sensitive and can be shortened to the capitalized letters.
/InsaneFire [Subcommand] [value (depends on command)] - Controls Subcommands
toggle - Toggles mod on and off
Usage: /if toggle
limit - Sets fire limit
Usage: /if limit [value]
O2Rate - Modifies o2 consumption rate. 1 is 1x consumption rate, 1.5 is 1.5x, etc.
Usage: /if toggle [value]
- Fires may de-sync often between host and clients. This is due to how fire is communicated between players in vanilla.
- O2 may de-sync between host and clients. This is caused by a de-sync of oxygen consumption, and can be fixed by installation of the mod by clients.
- Sound will start to bug out while a lot of fire exists. This is an issue with sound coming from every fire.