
my rip-off of the Android App Nihonoari(https://github.com/aeri/Nihonoari-App) for KaiOS

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

Nihonoari-KaiOS is a Japanese Kana training app for KaiOS.

  • the code is fkin horrible beware...


  • No ads (Well, the kaistore version does... it's not anooying though it's pretty much hidden)
  • made using my horrible beginner JS skills.
  • WIP -> the training part, i haven't done it yet im a lazy ass... if you want to help me PRs are very much appreciated es done... more cosmetic changes will come doe i ran out of ideas this version(1.0.9) should be the last cosmetic change


Built With

  • JavaScript SpatialNavigation - I'm using Luke Chang's coz naviboard won't work... and i'm not smart enough to make my own... (it's under MPL-2.0 btw)
  • Nihonoari - Just used the icons and the whole idea of it... No code was used... (GPL-3.0)
  • KaiOS-native-UI - This one i just so fkin awesome.... (WTFPL)
  • Vanilla Javascript, CSS and HTML - well, if you consider using libraries "vanilla".
  • ❤️


Logo Logo

There's a script for making an omnisd package... or just install the source code through WebIDE.



Free Software, Hell Yeah!

Honorable mentions lol

  • arma7x - for being awesome
  • yeah and also permafrost06
  • Yeah Affe Nulle is very very cool and also help me out
  • farooq is very cool
  • tbh everything isn't possible without the help of the BananaHackers/KaiOS Discord Community lol