
Cardiovascular Disease Classification Employing Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) of Modified ECG

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Cardiovascular Disease Classification Employing Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) of Modified ECG


This repository is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • tensorflow
  • teensorflow-gpu
  • theano
  • keras
  • scikit-learn
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • scipy
  • wfdb package of PhysioNet
  • GPUtil
  • pickle
  • pydot
  • graphviz
  • pyhht


If you are benefited by this repository or the research, please cite the work as follows.

Purpose and Features

  • Cardiovascular disease classification based on Modified ECG employing Empirical Mode Decomposition.
  • Different modes of training such as maximum voting strategy, parallel mode and etc.
  • Compare modified ECG and raw ECG signal
  • Visualization of Empirical Mode Decomposition
  • Validate on multiple database such as MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database, PTB diagonstic database, St.-Petersburg Arrhythmia database etc. from PhysioNet.
  • Different combinations of IMF testing
  • Customizable to any custom built database
  • Analyze the test result through confusion matrix
  • custom learning rate scheduler implementation
  • custom network implementation
  • 1-D version of many standard DNN architectures such as Alexnet, ZFNet, Resnet150, GoogleNet and etc.
  • provision for individual network structure for each of IMF signals

Corresponding Author and Principal Contributor

Co-Author of the article

  • Arnab Bhattacharjee
  • Email:pritamarnab@gmail.com
  • Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
  • Dhaka, Bangladesh

Getting Started

This readme file will instruct you to run the codes in this repository and customize it to your own database.

Folder Files

  • config.py--------------------------------- contains parameters.
  • Folder_creation.py------------------------ creates separate folders to store the training outputs.
  • EMD_Models.py----------------------------- contains different network architectures to train the model.
  • EMD_Models_Parallel.py-------------------- contains parallel architectures for training. [for details refer to the original elsevier article.]
  • EMD_data_prepare.py------ code for generating IMF signals from EMD analysis of signals.
  • EMD_data_train_all_combinations_pc.py----- train on specified IMF combination in a CPU
  • EMD_data_train_any_combinations.py-------- train on specified IMF combination in a GPU
  • EMD_data_training_pc.py------------------- train on individual IMF in CPU
  • EMD_data_training_server.py--------------- train on individual IMF in GPU
  • EMD_data_training_server_ensembled.py----- train on IMF[1,2,3] combination only in GPU
  • EMD_ensembled_data_prepare_Test_server.py- Modified ECG signal formation from IMF[1,2,3] for test purpose.
  • EMD_ensembled_data_prepare_Train_server.py-Modified ECG signal formation from IMF[1,2,3] for train purpose.
  • EMD_Test_all_combinations.py-------------- Test code on specified IMF combination
  • EMD_Test.py------------------------------- Test code on individual IMF.
  • EMD_Parallel_Test.py---------------------- Test code on parallel architecture
  • EMD_Parallel_Test_3_IMF.py---------------- Test code on parallel architecture of 3 specified IMFs only.
  • EMD_Test_original.py---------------------- Test code on original raw signal
  • Original_signal_Data_prepare.py----------- Prepare original raw data for training
  • confusion_mat_plot.py--------------------- Confusion matrix plot[used by Confusion_Matrix.py]
  • Confusion_Matrix.py----------------------- Confusion matrix plot
  • Confusion_Matrix_Parallel.py-------------- Confusion matrix for parallel architecture
  • all_combinations_plot.py------------------ Plot the accuracy of all combinations used for modified ECG


  • modified_ECG_analysis_MIT_BIH.py---------- Pearson correlation coefficient calculation for each of the classes considered from MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database
  • modified_ECG_analysis_PTB_Petes.py-------- Pearson correlation coefficient calculation for each of the classes considered from PTB and ST.-Petersberg database


  • EMD_visualization_petersburg.py----------- IMFs visualization of Petersburg Database
  • EMD_visualization_PTB.py------------------ IMFs visualization of PTB databse
  • learning_rate_scheduler.py---------------- learning rate scheduler visualize used in training
  • modified_EMD_visualization_Petersburg.py-- Modified EMD comparison with raw signal of Petersburg database
  • modified_EMD_visualization_PTB.py--------- Modified EMD comparison with raw signal of PTB database

Code Run


python EMD_data_train_any_combinations.py -options

* means mandatory argument

  • -p = Path to the main database | deafault = config.data_path
  • -c = Path to the CSV Folder of EMD Data | default = config.IMF_csv_path
  • -res = Resume Training | default='False'
  • -inep = Initial Epoch after Resuming Training | default=config.initial_epoch
  • -reim = Resumed IMF number after resuming | default=1
  • -rc = Path to the Patient file RECORD.txt | default=config.patient_data_path
  • -pd = Path to the text file where problematic data to be stored | default=config.preoblem_data_path
  • -s = Number of samples to be taken by each record",type=int | default=config.samplenumber
  • -imf = Number of IMFs to be extracted | default=config.number_of_IMFs | choices=[2,3,4,5,6]
  • -spl = Splitting percentage of train and test(upper limit) | type=float | default=config.split_perc
  • -fold* = Save training and testing results in folder


python EMD_data_train_all_combinations_pc.py -options

* means mandatory argument

  • -p = Path to the main database | deafault = config.data_path
  • -c = Path to the CSV Folder of EMD Data | default = config.IMF_csv_path
  • -res = Resume Training | default='False'
  • -inep = Initial Epoch after Resuming Training | default=config.initial_epoch
  • -reim = Resumed IMF number after resuming | default=1
  • -rc = Path to the Patient file RECORD.txt | default=config.patient_data_path
  • -pd = Path to the text file where problematic data to be stored | default=config.preoblem_data_path
  • -s = Number of samples to be taken by each record",type=int | default=config.samplenumber
  • -imf = Number of IMFs to be extracted | default=config.number_of_IMFs | choices=[2,3,4,5,6]
  • -spl = Splitting percentage of train and test(upper limit) | type=float | default=config.split_perc
  • -fold* = Save training and testing results in folder


python EMD_data_training_server.py -options

* means mandatory argument

  • -p = Path to the main database | deafault = config.data_path
  • -c = Path to the CSV Folder of EMD Data | default = config.IMF_csv_path
  • -res = Resume Training | default='False'
  • -inep = Initial Epoch after Resuming Training | default=config.initial_epoch
  • -reim = Resumed IMF number after resuming | default=1
  • -rc = Path to the Patient file RECORD.txt | default=config.patient_data_path
  • -pd = Path to the text file where problematic data to be stored | default=config.preoblem_data_path
  • -s = Number of samples to be taken by each record",type=int | default=config.samplenumber
  • -imf = Number of IMFs to be extracted | default=config.number_of_IMFs | choices=[2,3,4,5,6]
  • -spl = Splitting percentage of train and test(upper limit) | type=float | default=config.split_perc
  • -fold* = Save training and testing results in folder


python EMD_data_training_pc.py -options

* means mandatory argument

  • -p = Path to the main database | deafault = config.data_path
  • -c = Path to the CSV Folder of EMD Data | default = config.IMF_csv_path
  • -res = Resume Training | default='False'
  • -inep = Initial Epoch after Resuming Training | default=config.initial_epoch
  • -reim = Resumed IMF number after resuming | default=1
  • -rc = Path to the Patient file RECORD.txt | default=config.patient_data_path
  • -pd = Path to the text file where problematic data to be stored | default=config.preoblem_data_path
  • -s = Number of samples to be taken by each record",type=int | default=config.samplenumber
  • -imf = Number of IMFs to be extracted | default=config.number_of_IMFs | choices=[2,3,4,5,6]
  • -spl = Splitting percentage of train and test(upper limit) | type=float | default=config.split_perc
  • -fold* = Save training and testing results in folder


python EMD_data_training_server_ensembled.py -options

* means mandatory argument

  • -p = Path to the main database | deafault = config.data_path
  • -c = Path to the CSV Folder of EMD Data | default = config.IMF_csv_path
  • -res = Resume Training | default='False'
  • -inep = Initial Epoch after Resuming Training | default=config.initial_epoch
  • -reim = Resumed IMF number after resuming | default=1
  • -rc = Path to the Patient file RECORD.txt | default=config.patient_data_path
  • -pd = Path to the text file where problematic data to be stored | default=config.preoblem_data_path
  • -s = Number of samples to be taken by each record",type=int | default=config.samplenumber
  • -imf = Number of IMFs to be extracted | default=config.number_of_IMFs | choices=[2,3,4,5,6]
  • -spl = Splitting percentage of train and test(upper limit) | type=float | default=config.split_perc
  • -fold* = Save training and testing results in folder


python EMD_data_prepare.py -options

* means mandatory argument

  • -p = Path to the main database | deafault = config.data_path
  • -c = Path to the CSV Folder of EMD Data | default = config.IMF_csv_path
  • -rc = Path to the Patient file RECORD.txt | default=config.patient_data_path
  • -pd = Path to the text file where problematic data to be stored | default=config.preoblem_data_path
  • -s = Number of samples to be taken by each record",type=int | default=config.samplenumber
  • -imf = Number of IMFs to be extracted | default=config.number_of_IMFs | choices=[2,3,4,5,6]
  • -spl = Splitting percentage of train and test(upper limit) | type=float | default=config.split_perc


python EMD_ensembled_data_prepare_Train_server.py -options

* means mandatory argument

  • -p = Path to the main database | deafault = config.data_path
  • -c = Path to the CSV Folder of EMD Data | default = config.IMF_csv_path
  • -rc = Path to the Patient file RECORD.txt | default=config.patient_data_path
  • -pd = Path to the text file where problematic data to be stored | default=config.preoblem_data_path
  • -s = Number of samples to be taken by each record",type=int | default=config.samplenumber
  • -imf = Number of IMFs to be extracted | default=config.number_of_IMFs | choices=[2,3,4,5,6]
  • -trl* = training file list as a csv file


python EMD_ensembled_data_prepare_Test_server.py -options

* means mandatory argument

  • -p = Path to the main database | deafault = config.data_path
  • -c = Path to the CSV Folder of EMD Data | default = config.IMF_csv_path
  • -rc = Path to the Patient file RECORD.txt | default=config.patient_data_path
  • -pd = Path to the text file where problematic data to be stored | default=config.preoblem_data_path
  • -s = Number of samples to be taken by each record",type=int | default=config.samplenumber
  • -imf = Number of IMFs to be extracted | default=config.number_of_IMFs | choices=[2,3,4,5,6]
  • -tel* = test file list as a csv file

Stay tuned for further tutorials