
Download the LCBOAPI's product database with this script.

Primary LanguagePython


Liquor is a simple library that will copy the lcbo's products api to your database.
This was created from a workshop assignment for the YMC (www.theymc.com).

The purpose is to avoid creating fake data, when building sample applications,
Using manage.py steal_booze, we can now populate our database with live data,
and build a sample site with accurate information.


Quick start
1. `pip install liquor`

2. Add "liquor" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::


3. Run `python manage.py syncdb` to create the LcboProduct models.

4. Run `python manage.py steal_booze` to get data from the LCBO API, and store it in your models.

5. Run `python manage.py analyze_booze` to get some insights.

Accessing the data
1. Run `python manage.py shell` to launch the shell
2. `from liquor import models`
3. `models.LcboProduct.objects.all()`