
Cocos2d-x with 2D, just 2D, productivity boost for games

Primary LanguageC++



NOTE : From tag v5, this repo remove all templates, just provide a runable lua app and a tool for rename the app.

It bases on cocos2d-x v3 branch, but remove 3D and other features. It works on iOS, Android, OS X and Windows.

The major change:

  • Only support iOS,OS X,Android and Windows.
  • Remove 3D features
  • Remove support for JS script
  • Remove deprecated classes and functions
  • Remove Camera
  • Remove Physics integration
  • Remove C++ implementations of Component
  • Remove C++ implementations of CocoStudio parser
  • Remove C++ implementations of CocosBuilder parser
  • Remove AssetsManager, AssetsManagerEX
  • Remove support for ~~~WebP~~~,S3TC,ATITC
  • Remove FastTileMap, TileMap
  • Remove Menu
  • Remove Audio
  • Improve module compile cocos/base/ccConfigUser.h
  • Improve curl library, only support socket and http protocol
  • Add FMOD
  • Restore ui module (NOT depend CocoStudio)
  • Restore Focus event (need by ui)
  • Restore CocoStudio module
  • Keep working with CocosStudio after 3.14.1 (cocos2d/cocos2d-x#17349 (comment))

Usefull tools

  1. pidcat Colored logcat script which only shows log entries for a specific application package.
  2. sprite-sheet-packer Sprite sheet packer
  3. ImageOptim GUI image optimizer for Mac
  4. ZeroBrane Studio ZeroBrane Studio is a lightweight Lua IDE

    I can’t step into functions defined in other files in my project. You either need to open them in the IDE before you want to step through them, or to configure the IDE to auto-open files requested during debugging using editor.autoactivate = true. ​ RESTART, RESTART RESTART ZBS IDE

How to start

  1. setup env

    $ # clone repo
    $ git clone https://github.com/c0i/cocos2dx-lite.git
    $ cd cocos2dx-lite
    $ ./setup.py
    $ source ~/.bash_profile
  2. try with player project

    $ open player/proj.ios_mac/player.xcodeproj/
    $ or
    $ cocos run -p mac # ios, android

Contributing to the Project

Cocos2dx-lite is licensed under the MIT License. We welcome participation!


There are lots of better cocos2d-x forks: