Project Description

In this repository, you will find 2 routes:

  • The first is a dashboard panel with analytics, graphs, and tables.
  • The second is a table with business predictions made using the regressionJS library.

Finance Dashboard


Project Status


Project Features

Business Analytics Panel

The first route is a panel that displays various metrics, analytics, and tables that show information about a business. This panel provides a comprehensive overview of the business's performance and helps stakeholders make data-driven decisions.

Linear Regression Graph and Prediction

The second route is a graph that shows a linear regression based on data from a specified year. The linear regression was generated using the regressionJS library, which utilizes AI. With this linear regression, the application makes a prediction for the next year based on the trend observed in the data. This feature enables business owners to forecast their performance and plan accordingly.

Overall, this project provides a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to analyze their data and make informed decisions.

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Used technologies


  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Redux Toolkit Query
  • Recharts
  • React Router Dom
  • RegressionJS
  • Material UI
  • ViteJS


  • NodeJs
  • ExpressJs
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Helmet
  • Cors
  • Dotenv
  • Morgan
  • BodyParser