IIUC Industry Training - 2024

Author: C201049, Naimul Islam


Project - 1: AI News Summariser with LLM models

Session 1: Python, Database & Github

  • Brush up your Python skill
  • Development of news scraper
  • Database operation using Python
  • Save scraped news data into Database
  • Github for code version management

Session 2: LLM, Groq for Summariser & FastAPI for API development

  • Intoduction to LLM
  • Hands on experience with FastAPI
  • Develop summariser system with LLM & Groq
  • Convert news scraper, summariser into api

Session 3: Streamlit, Cloud Deployment

  • Hands on experience with Streamlit
  • Interface design for AI News Summariser app
  • FastAPI connectivity with streamlit
  • Digital Ocean cloud deplyment

Project - 2: AI chatbot using langchain, streamlit, GPT-4 Session 4:

  • Project overview
  • Introdution to langchain
  • Contextual chatbot with langchain, streamlit, GPT-4

Session 5: Python Libraries for Data Science

  • Introduction to Numpy: Understanding arrays, operations, and indexing.
  • Basics of Pandas: Learning about DataFrame, Series, and basic operations.
  • Data Visualization Essentials: An introduction to Matplotlib and Plotly.
  • Creating basic plots: Line plots, bar charts, and pie charts.

Project - 3: Machine Learning Project: Real Estate price prediction Session 6:

  • Project Context: Real Estate Price Prediction Importance
  • Data Loading Techniques: Reading CSV, Excel, JSON, HTML
  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Descriptive Statistics
  • Advanced EDA: Correlation, Value Counts, Grouping
  • Visualization in EDA: Creating Histograms, Scatter plots, Box plots
  • Data Preprocessing: Handling Null Values, Data Filtering
  • Feature Engineering: Encoding, Normalization, Bag of Words, N-gram
  • Introduction to Model Training: Splitting Data into Training and Test Sets

Session 7:

  • Basic Model Training: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression
  • Understanding Regularization: Lasso and Ridge Techniques
  • Advanced Model Training: Introduction to Ensemble Learning
  • Hyperparameter Tuning: Grid Search and Cross-Validation
  • Model Evaluation: Understanding and Calculating R², MAE, RMSE
  • Overfitting and Underfitting: Identification and Strategies

Final Project Task:

  • Scrap the bdproperty (https://www.bproperty.com/)
  • Save the data into database
  • Develop an ML model to predict apartment price
  • API development using FastApi
  • Web interface with Streamlit