This repository targets beginners:beginner: to guide them about open source and help them make their first contribution.
A github account
i. VSCode
ii. Sublime for HTML, CSS and JS
iii. Or any other IDE of your choice
Fork the repository
To fork the repository click on the fork button on the top right corner of the repository section. It will create a copy of that repository in your account.
Open Git CLI and follow these steps:
Clone the repository
i. Copy the URL of the repository.
ii. To copy the contents of the repository in your local
git clone <paste the copied url from github>
Then you can open the cloned repository in any IDE and make changes.
Switch to the branch you want to contribute to.
git checkout <your-branch-name>
Read the repository's contributing guide before starting any editing.
Make changes in the contributing branch.
Stage the changes
git add <your-full-file-name> (with path)
(to stage all files, usegit add .
) -
Commit the changes
git commit -m "Your message"
Push the changes
git push -u origin <your-branch-name>
Pull request(requesting the project creator to add/merge your changes to the main repository)
i. Ensure that you make PR to the right branch.
ii. Add relevent title and description to your pull request that explains the changes you made appropriately.
iii. Click on create pull request button.
iv. Make sure to mention the issue you want to fix in the description of your pull request. (Format :
Refer to issue #<issue-number>
) -
Now you just have to wait for the project creator/owner to review your request and merge your changes to the original code. Congratulations on doing your very first contribution to an open source!:fist_right::fist_left:
This Documentation is maintained by @MJ-03.