
A demo project to showcase the use of masked credentials using the ByteMask Plugin

Primary LanguageKotlin

Masked Secure Key Demonstration

This is a demo project made to demonstrate the usage of Bytemask - Android Gradle Plugin (Read More) by Shreyas Patil

We're used to include our secure credentials as a BuildConfig our gradle configuration files.

android {
  productFlavours {
      create("release") {
            buildConfigField(Int::class.java.simpleName, API_KEY, "\"API KEY VALUE\"")

The project is set up to use the SHA-256 certificate from the release build variant, meaning that an reverse-engineerd app instance of this application won't be able to decrypt the credentials.

We're interested in the following code blocks in app/build.gradle configuration.

bytemaskConfig {
    // Strings to read from

    // Class name for the generated class

    configure("release") {
        enableEncryption = true
        encryptionKeySource = KeySource.SigningConfig("release")

Next, we just need to store the encryped/masked credentials in secure.properties file

⚠️ Here, we assume that we only need string properties to store our credentials, we won't consider any numeric value or any value type other than string

// secure.properties


Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 6 02 09 PM