{Awesome Works in Progress}
- Entity Framework Crash Course: Point of Sale Project - The C# Academy
- Make History and Explore the Cosmos, an EF Core 6 Retrospective 📺 dotNET | Entity Framework Community Standup
- Get to Know EF Core 6
- Introducing DevOps-friendly EF Core Migration Bundles
- PM> get-help entityframework
- dotnet ef migrations bundle or PM> Bundle-Migration
- Modern Entity Framework: A Tour of EF Core 5.0 pt 1 - (December 2020)
- Deep Dive into Many-to-Many: A Tour of EF Core 5.0 pt. 2
- Get a Head Start with Entity Framework Core 5.0 with EF Core Power Tools - Erik Ejlskov Jensen (November 2020)
- Entity Framework Core 5.0 - (November 2020)
- Migrating to EF Core 5 with Julie Lerman - (October 2020)
- Announcing Entity Framework Core 5.0 Preview 3 - (April 2020)
- Entity Framework Core Part 1 (Phil Japikse, April 2020)
- Entity Framework Core Part 2
- Entity Framework Core Part 3
- Entity Framework Core Part 4
- Entity Framework Core Part 5
- Entity Framework Core In-Depth Part 1 (Phil Japikse, June 2020)
- Entity Framework Core In-Depth Part 2
- Let's Learn .NET: Data - dotNET
- Clean Code with Entity Framework Core - Brendan Richards
- Learn Entity Framework Core - learnentityframeworkcore.com
- Entity Framework Core - entityframeworktutorial.net
- Entity Framework Core Tutorial - dotnetcurry.com
- Entity Framework Core Series - code-maze.com
- Installing Entity Framework Core
- Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
- Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
- Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
- Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
- Entity Framework Core tools reference
- Examples:
- Scaffold-DbContext "Server=(local);Database=AdventureWorks;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models -t Production.Product, Production.ProductSubcategory -DataAnnotations
- Script-Migration -To Initial
- Script-Migration -From 0
- Update-Database -Migration 0 (The number 0 is a special case that means before the first migration and causes all migrations to be reverted.)
- Examples:
- Entity Framework Core Database First Example (YouTube) - Programming
- Reverse Engineering
- Generating a model from an existing database
- Entity Framework Core Scaffold-DbContext in separate Data and Entity Projects
- Fluent API or Data Annotations
- Model validation in ASP.NET Core MVC and Razor Pages - Microsoft Docs
- Validation in ASP .NET Core - Wake Up And Code!
- Logging
- Migration
- Using HierarchyID in Entity Framework - Paweł Kondzior
- InMemory is designed to be a general purpose database for testing - Microsoft Docs
- SQLite in .NET Core with Entity Framework Core - kontext.tech
- DB Browser for SQLite - DB Browser for SQLite (DB4S) is a high quality, visual, open source tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with SQLite.
- Mapping DDD Domain Models with EF Core 2.1 (Julie Lerman, May 2019)
- Separation of Concerns (SoC)
- Articles and Resources
- .NET Core — Using Entity Framework Core in a separate Project - Rodrigo Santos (Medium)
- Should you split your ASP.NET MVC project into multiple projects? - Mosh Hamedani
- Sample
- Class Lib: Project.Domain (POCO)
- Class Lib: Project.Data (Context); Reference Domain; EF SQLServer, EF Tools
- Web Application: Project.Web (ASP.NET MVC); Reference Data; EF Design
- Articles and Resources
- Patterns