
A library for compressing and decompressing big integers

Primary LanguageRust

Rust Library for Compressing Structs and Enums.

A rust library for compressing and decompressing structs and enums. Note that the library is still under heavy development and breaking changes may occur.


The library is not complete yet, For now only struct with unsigned integers fields are supported. Many more will come. Stay tune.


Put this into your cargo.toml

comprez_macro = 0.2.7
comprez = 0.2.7


use comprez_macro::Comprezable;
use comprez::comprezable::Comprezable;   

#[derive(Comprezable, Debug, Clone)]
struct MyStruct {
    [#maxNum=10000] //Compulsory for each integer field except for u8
    num1: u32,
    num2: u16,
    num3: i8, //use i8 instead of u8
    other_struct: OtherStruct,
    vec1: Vec<u8>,
    vec2: Vec<OtherStruct>,
    enum1: MyEnum::Num5(10)

#[derive(Comprezable, Debug, Clone)]
struct OtherStruct {
    num4: u128,

#[derive(Comprezable, Debug, Clone)]
enum MyEnum {

fn main() {
    let demo_data = Mystruct {
        num1: 900,
        num2: 100,
        num3: 10,
        other_struct: OtherStruct { num4: 200 },
        vec1: vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
        vec2: vec![OtherStruct{num4: 100}, OtherStruct{num4: 200}],
    let compressed = demo_data.compress().unwrap();
    let compressed_bytes = compressed.to_bytes();
    let compressed_binaries = compressed.to_binaries();

    let compressed = Compressed::from_bytes(compressed_bytes);
    let compressed = Compressed::from_binaries(compressed_binaries);
    let decompressed = Mystruct::decompressed(compressed).unwrap();
    println!("{:?}", decompressed);




  • Unsigned
  • Signed
  • Vec::u8
  • Vec of Comprezable(s)
  • enums
  • Async Write/Read
  • Even numbers
  • Strings
  • Slices & Vectors


  • Vector of u8 are compressed using LZ4 flex library.

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