
As a primer subject, this course will introduce students to information systems and technology (IS/IT) and its uses at home and work. Various aspects of IS/IT encompassing hardware, software, network and communications will be introduced. Students will be equipped with basic skills in handling PC installation and productivity tools via practical work in the labs, which shall comprise a major part of the study. This class also conducts industry visits and talks as a part of work-based learning. Both industry visits and talks will expose students to a real working environment, get knowledge from the industry and increase engagement between university and industry. The student also needs to briefly explore the requirements and job specifications for a career in IT.

Certainly, I'll continue from where we left off:

CLO CLO Description PLO MQF Cluster Code Taxonomies and Generic Skills Teaching & Learning Methods Assessment Methods
CLO1 To explain computer hardware and the use of computer software PLO1 C1 Lecture, active learning, Lab work, Industry Talk, Industry Visit Assignment, Test, Lab, Industry Talk, Industry Visit
CLO2 To differentiate different types of information systems PLO6 C2 Lecture, active learning, Industry Talk Assignment, Test
CLO3 To identify the requirements and job specification for a career in IT PLO9 C5 Lecture, active learning, Lab work, Industry Talk, Industry Visit Assignment, Industry Talk

In this table, you can see how each Course Learning Outcome (CLO) corresponds to a Program Learning Outcome (PLO), the associated MQF Cluster Code, the applicable taxonomies and generic skills, teaching and learning methods, and assessment methods for each CLO. This format provides a clear overview of the course objectives and how they align with program objectives, teaching strategies, and evaluation methods.

Week 1 - 08.10.23

  • Overview of:
    • Course Information
    • E-portfolio (Github)
    • Design Thinking Project

Week 2 - 15.10.23

  • Overview of:
    • Chapter 1: Emerging Technology in ICT
    • Chapter 2: Hardware

Week 3 - 22.10.23

  • Overview of:
    • Chapter 3: Software
    • Chapter 4: Information Systems & Methodology
  • Activities:
    • PC Assemble (Group 1 - 30pax)
    • Quiz (Subject to change)

Week 4 - 29.10.23

  • Overview of:
    • Chapter 5: Databases and Data Analytics
    • Chapter 6: Networks and Communications
  • Activities:
    • PC Assemble (Group 2 - 30pax)
    • Quiz (Subject to change)

Week 5 - 05.11.23

  • Overview of:
    • Chapter 7: Privacy, Security, and Ethics
    • Chapter 8: Cloud Computing

Week 6 - 12.11.23

  • Activities:
    • Industry Talk 1
    • Assignment 1
  • Proposed Title: Overview of Jobs in ICT
  • Proposed Industry: TBC
  • Proposed Date / Time: 14.11.2023 / 2.30-4.30 PM
  • Note: Public Holiday: Deepavali (12.11.2023)

Week 7 - 19.11.23

  • Activities:
    • Industry Visit 1
    • Assignment 2
  • Proposed Industry: UTMDigital
  • Proposed Date: TBC
  • Proposed Time: TBC

Week 8 - 26.11.23


Week 9 - 03.12.23

  • Design Thinking Pitch Part I
    • Group 1
    • Group 2
    • Group 3

Week 10 - 10.12.23

  • Design Thinking Pitch Part II
    • Group 4
    • Group 5
    • Group 6

Week 11 - 17.12.23

  • Design Thinking Pitch Part III
    • Group 7
    • Group 8

Week 12 - 24.12.23

  • Activities:
    • Industry Talk 2
    • Assignment 3
  • Proposed Title: The Future of Software Development
  • Proposed Industry: TBC
  • Proposed Date / Time: 26.12.2023 / 2.30-4.30 PM
  • Note: Public Holiday: Christmas Day (25.12.2023)

Week 13 - 31.12.23

  • Activities:
    • Industry Visit 2
    • Assignment 4

Week 14 - 07.1.24

  • Test Preparation and Revision

Week 15 - 14.1.24

  • Test
  • Proposed Venue: MPK1-10
  • Proposed Date: 16/01/2024
  • Proposed Time: 2.30-4.30 PM

Week 16 - 21.1.24

  • Eportfolio Submission