A simple to use auto loading bot with many features!
This module requires the following modules/libraries:
- TS3QueryLib.Net - already included (please read it's license)
Download latest version of Modular Bot and build it. After you are done, you have a working bot with examples
Create a file called config.json and paste in this code and edit it by your login details...:
"Username": "serveradmin",
"Password": "password",
"Host": "my_server.com",
"Port": 10011,
"DisplayName": ".NET modular bot",
"ServerPort": 9987
- MessageReceivedEventArgs - whole received command
- string[] or List<string> - All the parameters passed separated by space
- uint - clientID of client who executed the command
- PluginManager - Class used to manage plugins
- MessageTarget - Enum value that contains on which type of chat the command was received
- string
- if it has no default value set it is used as a required parameter
- if default value is null, it means that it is an optional parameter
- if name of the string is uniqueid then the bot injects invoker's UID
- if name of the string is clientnickname then the bot injects invoker's nickname
- if invoker didn't pass enough parameters it will execute the onFailedMessage string
//You must derive from Plugin class otherwise it will not be loaded.
public class MyPlugin : Plugin
public MyPlugin(QueryRunner queryRunner) : base(queryRunner)
//Can be used for initializing since it is a constructor
//Author of plugin; Not required
public override string Author => "Only ME";
//Limits execution for specified groups
[ServerGroups("Server Admin", "Normal")]
//Implements chat command itself
//string Command - it is the command itself (if you want more on a single method, use more ClientCommand classes)
//MessageMode = MessageMode.All - defines on which type of chat it will be triggered (it is bit based enum, so bitwise operators can be used)
//string onFailedMessage = null - replied to a executing user when he does not input enough parameters (defined by string parameters without default value)
[ClientCommand("hello", MessageMode.Private | MessageMode.Channel)]
public void SendMessage(string clientNickname, uint clId, string input = null)
Ts3Instance.SendTextMessage(MessageTarget.Client, clId,
$"Hello {clientNickname}. {(input != null ? "You just said: " + input : "")}");