

This is an open source project for a take-out order service, which allows restaurants to create their own menu + order page. Unlike Caviar or UberEats (which charges 12% to 30% + credit card transaction fee), it costs only the credit card transaction fee (via Stripe, 2.9% + 30cents).

It is built with Firebase + Vue + Stripe, for productivity and scalability.


Setup Firebase

  • Authentication
    • Enable email/password and phone authentication as Sign-in providers
    • Add your domain if you use custom domain.
  • Database
    • Create Firestore database
  • Hosting
    • Enable hosting
    • Add your domain if you use custom domain.
  • Storage
    • Enable Storage.
  • Functions
    • Enable functions.

Setup Stripe


Setup OwnPlate configuration

Environment variable






Deploy to firebase

see CircleCI setting. .circleci/config.yml

Run the development server on localhost

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# copy and edit project.js file
$ cp src/config/default/ownplate-dev.js src/config/project.js

$ STRIPE_CLIENT_ID=xxx STRIPE_API_KEY=xxx GAPIKey=xxx npm run dev

GAPIKey is google API key for Google Map STRIPE_CLIENT_ID and STRIPE_API_KEY are Stripe's id.

Build Vue.js.

see CircleCI setting. This file .circleci/config.yml

This file contains the latest and valid information for the build.

Build for production and launch server

$ npm run build
$ npm run start

Generate static project

$ npm run generate

Test with a smartphone on your local network

"devsync": "HOST= PORT=3333 nuxt",

If you want to check the local environment with your smartphone, you can also check from your smartphone to specify HOST = {IP address} on local network.

$ npm run devsync

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.


You need to deploy Function for develoment.

cd functions && npm install
firebase deploy --only functions

icon lists


https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery https://materialdesignicons.com/cdn/2.0.46/