
-Front Feel- A little interface to manage your feelings

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Front Feel

Setup the api

  • First you need to clone the repo :
git clone https://github.com/Nakatox/api_feel
  • Install all dependances

  • Then you need to setup the database

bin/console d:d:c
bin/console d:m:m
  • Once your database is created you need tu run the fixtures
bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
  • And run the server
symfony serv

Setup The Front

  • First clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/Nakatox/front_feel
  • Install all the dependences
  • Run the serv
yarn dev
  • And finnally go to your localhost on the port 3000 (or the one indicated in the console )

Test the app

Just log with the User you have created with the fixtures

email : root@root.fr
password : root

And if you want to create your own, you can in the register tabs

And thats it ! Your app is ready