
Web interface for deployments

Primary LanguagePython



A web interface for deployments.


View the current status of all your projects:

Allow anyone to watch deploys as they happen:

Deploy project:


FuckingAwesomeDeploy works by ensuring a git repository for a project is up-to-date, and then executes the commands associated with a stage.

Streaming is done through a that uses server-sent events to display to the client.


  • MySQL or Postgresql or SQLite
  • Redis
  • Python 2.7


First clone this project, go to working dir and...

If u using virtualenv

virtualenv env
. env/bin/active

Install requirements

pip install -r requirments.txt

Remove file settings.py and fab_db.db, coppy settings.example.py and rename to settings.py, see Config in the settings.py file for config

After config, run migrate

python manage.py db upgrade

Run server

python wsgi.py

Go to http://localhost:5000

Config in the settings.py file:

General app

SECRET_KEY for Flask.

PROJECT_NAME Change to what u want.

APPLICATION_ROOT prefix your url

Google OAuth


  • Navigate to https://console.developers.google.com/project and create a new project
  • Enter a name and a unique project id
  • Once the project is provisioned, click APIs & auth
  • Turn on Contacts API and Google+ API (they are needed by Samson to get email and avatar)
  • Click the Credentials link and then create a new Client ID
  • Set the Authorized JavaScript Origins to http://localhost:3000
  • Set the Authorized Redirect URI to http://localhost:3000/auth/google/callback
  • Create the Client ID
  • You should now have Client ID and Client secret values to populate the .env file with

SENTRY_DSN sentry dsn


SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI i using sqlachemy, that mean u can using what u want your database, ex: postgresql, mysql, sqllite

User roles

Role Description
Viewer Can view all deploys.
Deployer Viewer + ability to deploy projects.
Admin Deployer + can setup and configure projects + management of user roles.

The first user that logs into FuckingAwesomeDeploy will automatically become a admin.

For real use

I had make supervisor.conf and nginx.conf for real use.


-> Suggesst me :D


I using frontend of project Samson and some code in freight

Help needed

If you are a Python developer or a web designer you can help us improve FuckingAwesomeDeploy. Feel free to take a look at the bug tracker for some tasks to do.