
Simple Jinja2 Server - The tool help frontend developer for use jinja2 template

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple Jinja2 Server - The tool help frontend developer for use jinja2 template

Jinja is powerful template engine in python. If you don't know jinja, you can learn more in http://jinja.pocoo.org/.

How to use

  1. First you need install python, pip
  2. Install me via git with pip: pip install git+git://github.com/NamPNQ/SimpleJinjaServer
  3. Open terminal, cd to you working directory and run comand: python -m SimpleJinjaServer

How to add custom filter, etc..

Make a python in your working directory, in example i make file helper.py with content

__author__ = 'nampnq'

import hashlib

def add_helpers(app):

    def gravatar_filter(email, size=100, rating='g', default='retro', force_default=False,
                        force_lower=False, use_ssl=False):
        if use_ssl:
            url = "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/"
            url = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/"
        if force_lower:
            email = email.lower()
        hashemail = hashlib.md5(email).hexdigest()
        link = "{url}{hashemail}?s={size}&d={default}&r={rating}".format(
            url=url, hashemail=hashemail, size=size,
            default=default, rating=rating)
        if force_default:
            link += "&f=y"
        return link

    app.jinja_env.filters['gravatar'] = gravatar_filter

Make sure your defined function name add_helpers

Run command python -m SimpleJinjaServer 5000 False helper


First arguments is port

Second arguments is enable debug

Third agruments is filename helper

Anything else

Please make issuse


It only render file with extension html


If project help you, please donate me via bitcoin: 1LKyH1jTP8Agd8FakpvydCP87HQzL85cFx

I very happy, whether you donate 1 cent!