
Singing Style Transfer using Deep U-net for vocal separation & CycleConsistencyBoundaryEquilibrium GAN(Cycle-BEGAN) for vocal style transfer

Primary LanguagePython

Singing Style Transfer

  • My contribution on Team Project on Eliceio team4: vocal-style-transfer (https://github.com/eliceio/vocal-style-transfer)

  • I was in charge of transfering singing style by using separated vocal data(separated by pretrained Deep U net[2]) not by clean speech data. And I adapted BE-GAN[4] training skill to Cycle-GAN-VC[3] refer to Singing Style Transfer C-BEGAN [1].

1. Abstract

  • Whole architecture for changing singing style transfer is shown below [1]

2. Preprocess

  • First download songs from "Youtube" by using pytube library.(This might be illegal) For the vocal data I downloaded Park Hyo Shin and BolBBalGan Sachungi's songs. (about 15 songs each)

  • For the separation of Singing Voice & Accompaniment I used pretrained deep U-net model. [2]

  • Finally, use pydub library to remove silence on singing vocal data.

3. Cycle Consistency - Boundary Equilibrium GAN

  • Vocal Representation

    • Datas were downsampled to 16 kHz. For the separation normalized magnitude spectrogram were used and for the transfer 24 Mel-cepstral coefficients (MCEPs) were used.[2][3]
  • Since the singers we want to change don't sing same songs(Unpaired Data) I used Cycle-GAN for the transferring singing style.[1] Main model of Cycle-GAN is from "Cycle GAN Voice Converter".[3]

  • Cycle GAN Voice Converter: Gated CNN and Identyty-mapping loss was the main modification from the Original CycleGAN architecture.

    • a. Gated CNN: Gated CNN paper
      • Since RNN is computationally demanding due to the difficlty of parallel implementations, Cycle GAN VC used Gated CNN which not only allows parallelization over sequential data but also achieves state-ofthe-art in language modeling and speech modeling.
      • In a gated CNN, gated linear units (GLUs) are used as an activation function where GLU is a is a data-driven activation function. (Orgiinal Cycle Gan used ReLU for generator and Leaky ReLU for Discriminator.)
      • $ H_{l+1} = (H * W_{l} + b_{l}) \otimes \sigma(H_{l} * V_{l} + c_{l}) $
      • short explanation about Gated CNN in korean
    • b. Identity-Mapping Loss: Identity Loss paper
      • To encourage linguistic-information preservation without relying on extra modules, Cycle GAN VC incorporate an identitymapping loss which encourages the generator to find the mapping that preserves composition between the input and output.
      • The original study on CycleGAN showed the effectiveness of this loss for color preservation.
      • Identity Loss short explanation on youtube
        • 36min ~ 39min
    • You could find more details about Cycle GAN Voice Converter on original paper[3]
  • Modification on Cycle GAN Voice Converter:

    • I modified Discriminator Architecture, Adversarial Loss function and added hyper-parameters to adapt BEGAN training skill to Cycle GAN Voice Converter to stablize training process. [1][4]

    • Also, Due to the differeces between converting voices and converting singing style I expanded frames to 512. Which frames were 128 (about 0.5sec) from "Cycle Gan Voice Converter".

3-1. Generator & Discriminator Architectures

  • Original Architectures (Cycle GAN Voice Converter[3]) : code

  • BEGAN Architectures[4]: code

  • Modified Architectures(Cycle Consistency Boundary Equilibrium GAN): code

3-2. Loss Function

  • Original Loss function (Cycle GAN Voice Converter[3]): code

  • BEGAN Loss function [4]: code

  • Modified Loss function (Cycle Consistency Boundary Equilibrium GAN): code
    • Identity-Mapping Loss and Cycle Loss are same with Original Loss Function's Identity-Mapping Loss and Cycle Loss.

4. Future Works

  • More powerful separation for vocal separation.

  • Hyper-parameter tuning

  • Embed more information such as lyrics and use Tacotron as a Generator.(maybe?) ex) Tacotron GAN "https://github.com/tmulc18/S2SCycleGAN"

5. References

[1] Cheng-Wei Wu, Jen-Yu Liu, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Jyh-Shing R. Jang. Singing Style Transfer Using Cycle-Consistent Boundary Equilibrium Generative Adversarial Networks. 2018
paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.02254

[2] Andreas Jansson, Eric Humphrey, Nicola Montecchio, Rachel Bittner, Aparna Kumar, Tillman Weyde. SINGING VOICE SEPARATION WITH DEEP U-NET CONVOLUTIONAL NETWORKS. 2017.
paper: https://ismir2017.smcnus.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/171_Paper.pdf
code & pretrained model from: https://github.com/Xiao-Ming/UNet-VocalSeparation-Chainer

[3] Takuhiro Kaneko, Hirokazu Kameoka. Parallel-Data-Free Voice Conversion Using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks. 2017.
code: https://github.com/leimao/Voice_Converter_CycleGAN

[4] David Berthelot, Thomas Schumm, Luke Metz. BEGAN: Boundary Equilibrium Generative Adversarial Networks. 2017.
code: https://github.com/carpedm20/BEGAN-tensorflow