Creating Database

create database productservice3oct23;
create user productservice3oct23;
grant all privileges on productservice3oct23.* to productservice3oct23;


21st September 2023

  1. Implement code till 3381091c1c936fbdc4c1292fc5ef0c769d2b02cb yourself.
  2. Make sure all Controllers in /controllers/ are taking appropriate parameters as required by corresponding APIs in
  3. (Stretch) Try to understand and implement FakeStoreProductServiceImpl.

26th September 2023

  1. Implement all of the APIs under Products at: (other than Limit Results and Sort Results)
  2. Make your FakeStoreProductServiceImpl not depend on RestTemplate at all. Instead of this it should depend on FakeStoreClient

15thOctober 2023

  1. Go through all of the APIs in CategoryController and ProductController
  2. Create a SelfProductService and SelfCategoryService implementing the corresponding interface
  3. Implement the code inside each of the services. This code should now work with corresponding repositories.