Pinned Repositories
To connect the donors with the organ bank and keeping all the record with national NGO. Our application makes it easy for hospital in a city to update the organ bank about the organs they have. Also, give feature for doctors to send patients for different lab tests directly. It tracks the organ delivery till it has been delivered.
Created a basic react app and created a single docker container. Added the docker-compose file to ease the process. Deployed the application on AWS using Elastic Bean Stalk creating IAM user and used S3 buckets on AWS by using Travis CI for CI/CD and running tests automatically.
An application to connect NGO with people around the world. You can Register NGO account, Update NGO details, Deactivate NGO account, Make a request by NGO for the things they require, Register a Donor account, Update Donor details, Deactivate Donor account, Donor can donate to the NGO, Donor can raise a request to visit the NGO
Spring Boot application for hotel industry which has different logins for Admin, Receptionist, Manager and Customer. Admins add different users to the application. Receptionist make different bookings for customers, raise room service request and checkout the customer. After booking mail is sent to customer confirming the booking.
Created a basic app which uses muti-containers which are deployed using continuous integration pipeline using Travis CI and is deployed to AWS on Elastic Bean Instance and uses Elastic Cache and RDS which are configured to present inside same VPC
NamanGupta-1995's Repositories
Spring Boot application for hotel industry which has different logins for Admin, Receptionist, Manager and Customer. Admins add different users to the application. Receptionist make different bookings for customers, raise room service request and checkout the customer. After booking mail is sent to customer confirming the booking.
To connect the donors with the organ bank and keeping all the record with national NGO. Our application makes it easy for hospital in a city to update the organ bank about the organs they have. Also, give feature for doctors to send patients for different lab tests directly. It tracks the organ delivery till it has been delivered.
Created a basic react app and created a single docker container. Added the docker-compose file to ease the process. Deployed the application on AWS using Elastic Bean Stalk creating IAM user and used S3 buckets on AWS by using Travis CI for CI/CD and running tests automatically.
An application to connect NGO with people around the world. You can Register NGO account, Update NGO details, Deactivate NGO account, Make a request by NGO for the things they require, Register a Donor account, Update Donor details, Deactivate Donor account, Donor can donate to the NGO, Donor can raise a request to visit the NGO
Created a basic app which uses muti-containers which are deployed using continuous integration pipeline using Travis CI and is deployed to AWS on Elastic Bean Instance and uses Elastic Cache and RDS which are configured to present inside same VPC