TOPSIS implementation in Python

What is TOPSIS

Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) originated in the 1980s as a multi-criteria decision making method. TOPSIS chooses the alternative of shortest Euclidean distance from the ideal solution, and greatest distance from the negative-ideal solution. More details at wikipedia.


Use the package manager pip to install this package.

pip install Topsis-Naman-101903304

How to use this package ?

In Terminal

$ python3 -m topsis_package.topsis input.csv "1,1,1,1,2" "+,+,-,+,+" output.csv

In Python:

from topsis_package.topsis import *

filepath = "input.csv"
weights  = "1,1,1,1,2"
impacts  = "+,-,+,-,+"
output   = "output.csv"

topsis = TOPSIS(filepath, impacts, weights, output)

# Method 1: Stepwise


# Method 2: Automated

Attributs provided under TOPSIS :
filepath    : Input file path.
filename    : Extracted filename from filepath
impacts     : given impacts
weights     : given weithts
output      : output file name
odf         : output data
df          : modified dataframe
sp          : S+
sn          : S-
scores      : performance score
ideal_worst : V+
ideal_best  : V-

    topsis = TOPSIS(filepath, impacts, weights, output)

Sample dataset

Fund Name P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
M1 0.92 0.71 4.5 43 12.59
M2 0.71 0.83 4.4 41.9 10.11
M3 0.77 0.62 3.5 33.2 13.2
M4 0.92 0.61 4.4 50.9 12.55
M5 0.7 0.88 6.7 43.7 16.91
M6 0.64 0.77 6.9 64.5 14.91
M7 0.68 0.44 4.5 31.1 13.83
M8 0.6 0.86 3 36.4 10.55


Fund Name P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Topsis Score Rank
M1 0.92 0.71 4.5 43.0 12.59 0.606157764635227 6.0
M2 0.71 0.83 4.4 41.9 10.11 0.630939331184659 3.0
M3 0.77 0.62 3.5 33.2 13.23 0.6376673741860752 2.0
M4 0.92 0.61 4.4 50.9 12.55 0.44683746237145194 7.0
M5 0.7 0.88 6.7 43.7 16.91 0.6223296058794716 4.0
M6 0.64 0.77 6.9 64.5 14.91 0.36651530625461226 8.0
M7 0.68 0.44 4.5 31.1 13.83 0.6381151861152682 1.0
M8 0.6 0.86 3.0 36.4 10.55 0.6124418308455085 5.0

The output file contains columns of input file along with two additional columns having Topsis Score and Rank