
Hooking Tiktok Tls FingerPrint Using Frida

Primary LanguageJavaScript


When You Use This Js Script For Hook Tls Fingerprint You Need To Clear Your App Data Before Start

TikTok TLS Fingerprint Hook

This repository contains a Frida script designed for hooking the TLS fingerprint of TikTok version 34.5.5. The script allows for the monitoring and manipulation of TLS traffic for educational and security research purposes.

Supported Version

  • TikTok APK Version: 34.5.5


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

Tls FingerPrint Of Tiktok

  "user_agent":"com.zhiliaoapp.musically/2023405050 (Linux; U; Android 10; en_IN; 211033MI; Build/QP1A.190711.020; Cronet/TTNetVersion:a1086d5d 2024-03-21 QuicVersion:68c84b0f 2024-02-29)",
  "ja3_hash": "cd08e31494f9531f560d64c695473da9",
  "ja3_text": "771,4865-4866-4867-49195-49199-49196-49200-52393-52392-49171-49172-156-157-47-53,0-23-65281-10-11-35-16-5-13-18-51-45-43-27-17513-21,29-23-24,0",
  "ja3n_hash": "aa56c057ad164ec4fdcb7a5a283be9fc",
  "ja3n_text": "771,4865-4866-4867-49195-49199-49196-49200-52393-52392-49171-49172-156-157-47-53,0-5-10-11-13-16-18-21-23-27-35-43-45-51-17513-65281,29-23-24,0",
  "akamai_hash": "a345a694846ad9f6c97bcc3c75adbe26",
  "akamai_text": "1:65536;2:0;3:1000;4:6291456;6:262144|15663105|0|m,a,s,p"

Websites For Test Tls Fingerprint


This project is provided only for educational purposes. It should not be used for illegal activities or to compromise any systems. The author assumes no responsibility for any misuse of this code.