
This repository contains the source code of MeshCreator Plugin.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the source code of MeshCreator Plugin.

How to Contribute

  1. Documentation Improvement: Help improve the project documentation to make it easier for users to understand and use the project.
  2. Bug Fixes or New Feature Addition: Find and resolve issues or propose new features.

When forking the repository to make changes, follow these steps:

  1. Find or submit an issue.
  2. Fork the repository and make your changes.
  3. Download the latest release's rbxm file and put it into ServerStorage.
  4. Save the modified file (MeshCreatorPlugin) from Roblox Studio as an rbxm file, and submit it along with your Pull Request.
  5. Submit your Pull Request when you're done.


Visit documentation