
Todo app with auth and lazy loading for cgs-team internship

Primary LanguageTypeScript

CGS Test project

For This project use MERN stack

Project commands

yarn start - to launch your project

Pre requirements

Watch this video: Hook Setup

  1. Pull repo.
  2. git checkout -b <name that you have set in pre-requirements>/main
  3. git push origin <name that you have set in pre-requirements>/main
  4. If you are windows user, make sure that bash have been installed if not check Installation link;
  5. Open Terminal in your project (make sure that you are in main directory with hooks folder)
  6. (ONLY FOR WINDOWS USERS) Change first line in ./hooks/commit-msg, ./hooks/pre-commit and ./hooks/setup/hooks from #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash;
  7. Run nano ./hooks/pre-commit and change USER_NAME="user_name" on third string to USER_NAME="<YOUR-NAME_LAST_NAME>" Example: USER_NAME="my_name" and save the file.
  8. Run command yarn configure:hooks (FOR WINDOWS USERS yarn configure:hooks:windows);
  9. Run command yarn start

Now you can run project by calling yarn start

Avoid Upper case! Do not use N_Surname syntax or Implement-Crud-Todo syntax

If you keep experiencing something like: tslint: command not found please do the following:

yarn global add tslint typescript

link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36910592/enabling-eslint-on-typescript-files/64175035#64175035


Time-frames of the test task is highly important! You have only 2 weeks for the task below, please use this time wisely. Good luck!

Required features

  1. Todo list - CRUD operations on backend;
  • Each PUT POST rout should has validation of req.body and throw 400 error in case of failed validation
  • Separate your logic from routes. You should perform all interactions with DB inside your services/<filename>.service.ts file and import it to controllers/<filename>.controller.ts. After that you can call your controllers in routes
  • _Create GENERIC validator, isExist (for put, delet and get by id), tryCatch middlewares _
  1. Todo list - Connect your CRUD operations with frontend;
  • You should split your code on logical components ( <TodoContainer />, <TodoElement/> etc);
  • For Edit/Add you should use forms written with Formik;
  • Put logic related to server interactions inside service/http.ts file (check Our Documentation)
  • For data fetching you can use React Query, it also help you to globally store your data
  • Todo list page should have different behaviors on different devices. Desktop - should be displayed as a table, Tablet - should be as slider, Mobile - list.
  • Your font sizes, colors, margins, paddings should be in THEME const
  • Create QUERY_KEYS and ROUTER_KEYS const for routing
  • Use styled components
  • Design should be tablet and mobile adaptive
  1. Authorization (login/signup) backend;
  • Use jwt authorization and Passport for that
  • Logic related to token processing should be stored in middlewares/auth.middleware.ts
  • Private todos should be accessible only for Todo creators
  • Change password endpoint
  1. Authorization (login/signup) frontend;
  • Should store token in localStorage
  • Use Formik for handling validation and submit func
  • Extend your http service for interacting with auth requests (check our codestyle)
  • Integrate logout and edit user information UI
  1. Filters for todo list by title and statuses (private and completed);
  • You should pass filter params through req.params(localhost:3000/todo?search=test&status=completed)
  • Connect backend filtration with UI components
  1. Button pagination;
  • All pagination should be handled by backend
  • Change frontend request with pagination params
  • Pagination should be done differently on different devices. Desktop - button pagination, Tablet - horizontal scroll pagination, Mobile - vertical scroll pagination


Backend should have stored in backend dir, mobile should be stored in fronted dir. Use technologies from Useful links and technologies. You should create separate pr for each task.

Design: drive.google

PR convention

  1. Each intern will be attached to a branch (<name that you have set in pre-requirements>/main);
  2. When you are working on a feature you should create a separate branch from <name that you have set in pre-requirements>/main with the following name: feature/<name that you have set in pre-requirements>/<feature-name> or bug/<name that you have set in pre-requirements>/<feature-name>. Once you are done with a subtask you should create a PR into <name that you have set in pre-requirements>/main and ping Danyyl Kuchkov & Oleksii Samoilenko for review;
  3. Title of your PR's should be feat: <name of your feature> or bug-fix: <name of your bugfix>. Description field should contain short info about feature/bug;
  4. PR's are under review ONLY between 9AM - 9:30AM (Kyiv EET time)

If you will face with some issues with git. Ask Danyyl Kuchkov via slack;

Useful links and technologies

Corporate Codestyle
React Query
Styled component