
Entity Component System architecture implemented with ES6/Flow

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is ECS?

You could read my article about it - Why ECS matter?


  • ComponentFamily .all and .not
  • register custom things (like Context2D) to access it across all systems (using BaseSystem.inject())
  • entity add/remove events for systems (onEntityAdded(entity), onEntityRemoved(entity))
  • tagging (TagManager)

Tech: ES6, Flowtype


  • World
    • process(deltaTime) - the method you have to call in game loop
    • register(objName, obj) - save any object for later (accessible for Systems)
    • getSystem<T: BaseSystem>(typeOrName: Class<T> | string): T
    • getEntitiesForSystem(systemName: string)
    • getEntitiesByTag(tag: string) - uses TagManager.getEntities(tag)
    • newEntity(): Entity
    • deleteEntity(entityIdOrEntity: number | Entity, onNextFrame: ?boolean)
    • getEntity(id: number) - will throw Error if not found
    • setComponent(), getComponent(), hasComponent(), deleteComponent() - also used by Entity helpers
    • tagManager - reference to TagManager
  • Entity - just an id with some helpers calling World methods. Create using World.newEntity().
    • destroy() - remove entity from world with it's all components
    • get(cmpTypeId, dontThrowErrorOnLack = false)
    • get$(cmpTypeId) - equivalent of get(cmpTypeId, true)
    • set(cmpTypeId, componentData)
    • del(cmpTypeId) - remove component
    • has(cmpTypeId): boolean
    • toggle(cmpTypeId) - sets or remove a component - if setting then with empty object ({})
    • tag(tag: string) - set a tag
    • untag(tag: string) - remove a tag
    • hasTag(tag: string): boolean
    • toggleTag(tag: string): boolean - toggles a tag, then returns equivalent of hasTag(tag)
  • BaseSystem
    • just a basic loop that takes deltaTime in process(dt) and no entities
    • inject(objName) - gets an object registered into World
    • tagManager - a reference for convenience
  • EntitySystem (extends BaseSystem)
    • takes ComponentFamily into constructor
    • process(dt, entities)
  • ComponentFamily - define which entites will fall into system based on component acceptance list
    • all(...componentTypeIds) - entity has to contain all defined components
    • not(...componentTypeIds) - entity can't have any of given component type
  • TagManager (automatically added to every World instance)
    • tag(entityOrId, tag: string): Entity
    • untag(entityOrId)
    • hasTag(entityOrId): boolean
    • toggleTag(entityOrId): boolean - toggles a tag, then returns equivalent of hasTag(tag)
    • getEntities(tag: string): Array<Entity> - get all entities having the tag

Example usage

First, let's import all the things:

import {
  BaseSystem, ComponentFamily, Entity, EntitySystem, World
} from "./ecs.js";

Now, define some component types:

let counter = 0
function i() {
  return counter++

const c = {
    Shape: i()
,   Color: i()
,   Position: i()
,   Velocity: i()
,   Invisible: i()

Now some entity systems:

export class EntityFactoryManager extends BaseSystem {
    // TODO: put some helper methods for entity creation, like createFireball()

export class ShapeRenderSystem extends EntitySystem {
    canvas: HTMLCanvasElement
    ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D

    constructor() {
            // all entities having Shape component but not having Invisible component

    init() {
        this.canvas = this.inject(Constants.Canvas)
        this.ctx = this.inject(Constants.Context2D)

    // called 
    begin() {
        this.ctx.fillStyle = 'steelblue'
        this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height)

    process(dt: number, e: Entity) {
        const ctx = this.ctx

        // TODO render those entities

export class AvatarLogicSystem extends EntitySystem {
    input: InputSystem

    constructor() {
        // the avatar has to contain both Avatar and Position components 
        super(ComponentFamily.all(c.Avatar, c.Position))
    init() {
        this.input = this.getSystem(InputSystem)

    process(dt: number, e: Entity) {
        let avatar = e.get(c.Avatar)
        let pos = e.get(c.Position)

        // TODO logic for the player

Finally, put it all together and actually run it:

const canvas: any = document.getElementById('canvas')
const ctx: any = canvas.getContext('2d')

// initialize the ECS World with entity systems
let world = new World([

    // logic
,   GameStateSystem
,   InputSystem
,   AvatarLogicSystem

    // render
,   ShapeRenderSystem
  .register(Constants.Canvas, canvas)
  .register(Constants.Context2D, ctx)
  .init() //it's very important to call this!

// "player" entity
  .set(c.Avatar, { doesSomething: false })
  .set(c.Shape, newShapeCircle(20))
  .set(c.Color, {fill: 'blue'})
  .set(c.Position, {x: 80, y: 200})

// launch the game loop
    let prevTime = Date.now()

    function processWorld() {
        let curTime = Date.now()
        let deltaTime = (curTime - prevTime)/1000
        prevTime = curTime


  1. npm run watch
  2. http-server in directory where index.html is
  3. open localhost:8080