
Has difficulty detecting images

Closed this issue · 27 comments

I'm not sure if anyone has run into this, but the script doesn't seem to be finding the duty/skip/esc windows at all. My resolution is 1080p and I am running it in borderless windowed mode. Is there something I'm missing?



Can you tell me what is in the greentext when it's supposed to select the things? And, are you sure you have all the files together with the script?

Third, you could try running it as an admin.

Also, make sure there's nothing covering the windows!

The green text only changes from Searching for duty window when the screen is black (and it becomes In Cutscene). Let me try to run as admin.

Alright -

All the files are inside the same folder as the script. I ran as admin, and it did not change anything.

Okay. This could be an entirely different issue I haven't been able to track down yet.

Can you send me a screenshot from your ESC menu and the yes/no prompt, please?

Also, do oyu have numpad4 bound to something else?

No, I put d-pad left to Numpad4 and Confirm to Numpad0.

Okay, just to make sure. I'm working on a fix right now, and I'll send it over to you so you can test it.

Sounds great, thank you :)

I need you to download this zip file and replace the files that the download comes with, with these.
See if it works. If it doesn't, it's something on the script and I'll look more deeply into it.


(Unfortunately can't test these myself - I'm far past them)

Does not work. Here's an updated screenshot:


Must be a script problem then. Bear with me, I'm working on this, but I need you to do a few more things for me.


See those green dots? I need you to deactivate the script, and place the mouse over each of them. The green text will tell you coordinates, and I need the coordinates for all for.


Thanks for the patience, and I deeply apologize due to how troublesome this has been.

Here's a rough estimate since the cursor becomes a hand so it's a bit hard to know exactly where the dot is

Topleft: 755 465
Topright: 836 465
Bottomleft: 755 485
Bottomright: 836 485

If you were talking about the image itself (I'm not sure whether you wanted me to do this in game or in the browser)
Topleft: 915 567
Topright: 1035 567
Bottomleft: 908 601
Bottomright: 1035 601

and honestly, no need to apologize. You're doing great work with this script. All this is nothing compared to this stupid MSQ.

Seconding, but I'm playing on borderless 3440x1440. The script brings up the duty menu and then doesn't select proceed, rather it just exits the duty window as if pressing Numpad0 again.

The game itself! My apologies. This should give me a hand in fixing the script.

Then yeah, the first set of coordinates should be the closest. I used the index finger as the "pointer" for when the cursor was a hand.

Topleft: 1518 651
Topright: 1612 651
Bottomleft: 1510 670
Bottomright: 1611 670

These are approximate values but the rough location where the dots are at my resolution.

@felixchiasson Try this version of the script, just replace the old one in the folder. And bring the old images back.


If it doesn't work, I unfortunately can't provide any more support for tonight. It's 2 am, and I need to get ready to go to bed.

If you do find a solution while I'm sleeping, I'm all ears. I'm tempted to rewrite all of this into something easier to fix, as AHK has been unreliable to say the least.

@MMorikone Your problem seems to be a little more intricate, but I have an idea.

Try runnig this version, https://hastebin.com/nafetalocu.go

And let me know how it goes. I'll try to help as much as I can later on.

No dice! Thanks for the attempt anyways.

Unfortunately, no dice.

I'll try to see if I can come up with something. Thanks for your help!

You two are welcome. Unfortunately there's a lot of intricacies to the script and it's hard for me to track down all of them without having the proper way to test them.

I hope you guys can manage!

I have managed to make the script work on my end by using colours at specific positions on the screen (like you did for the cutscene)

I took arbitrary positions to select the colour of the red text of the duty dialog and the skip dialog.
Right under PixelGetColor, color...

PixelGetColor, colorDuty, 905, 558
PixelGetColor, colorSkip, 758, 540

Then I replaced line 97 (the if clause for skipping cutscene) with
if colorSkip = 0x879BA0

and line 123 with

if colorDuty = 0x0A274E

Unfortunately this will probably not work for 1440p, but @MMorikone if you want to give me a bit of info I might be able to make it work on your end.

@felixchiasson Sure, what do you need?


It's probably easier if you make the changes yourself, but here's what I did.

Get an arbitrary point from both dialog windows (the green dots for example). Try to take two points that have obviously different colours and are far away from each other. Once that's done, reload and start the script and take note of the two hexadecimal numbers that appear (they start with 0x) when each window pops up.

The first number is the colorDuty and the second number is colorSkip. Replace those where mentioned in the script and things should work fine and dandy.

Obviously there is a simpler solution, but this at least makes it work for the time being.

@felixchiasson Thanks for posting your solution! I'm going to close this issue, and direct people here if the script doesn't work and they feel they can modify/learn from this. Unfortunately, I can't do any more tests on the script since I'm far past all the quests. But I hope it's been of use for all of you. 😄