
Take-home assignment for navigating a Mars Rover in a grid, using Java, Maven and JUnit.

Primary LanguageJava


A console application for simulating movement of multiple rovers on a grid (plateau). Takes user input for:

  • Upper right coordinate of the grid as "X Y", e.g. "10 10"
  • Each rover's starting position as "X Y Direction", e.g. "1 1 N"
  • Each rover's movement plan as a sequence, e.g. "LRLRMM"


  • Plateau: Implemented as a singleton to ensure a single instance of the plateau. It also controls that rovers don't go out of its bounds.
  • Rovers: Created strictly with a reference to a plateau.
  • Movement plan: Translated into command interfaces.
  • Direction: represented as an enum.

Error handling

Each of the functions with user input in App.java checks the validity of the input and prompts to enter it again until a valid line is obtained.