RHF76-052 based Arduino clone

Primary LanguageC++


RHF76-052 based Arduino clone

This is my attempt to get the SeeedStudio LoRaWAN card working with my TTN (The Things Network) account in the US.

!!!! This only works if you have version 2.1.15 or later of the firmware in your RHF76-052.

Instructions on upgrading can be found at http://wiki.seeed.cc/Seeeduino_LoRAWAN/. The latest firmware can be found at http://wiki.risinghf.com/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=extranet:rhf76-052am-v2.1.15-20170612.ebin.bin.zip

Please note that the AT commands have changed as well. See the WIki for all of the downloads.