
R Interface to Google's word2vec

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R wrapper to google's word2vec. The word2vec tool takes a text corpus as input and produces the word vectors as output. It first constructs a vocabulary from the training text data and then learns vector representation of words.


To download sample text data, click here.

To install rowrd2vec package


To list all functions supported by rword2vec

## [1] "bin_to_txt"   "distance"     "vocab_count"  "word2phrase" 
## [5] "word2vec"     "word_analogy"

Training word2vec model:

To train text data to give word vectors

model=word2vec(train_file = "text8",output_file = "vec.bin",binary=1)


To get closest words

### file_name must be binary
dist=distance(file_name = "vec.bin",search_word = "king",num = 20)
##         word              dist
## 1     prince 0.714353382587433
## 2      kings 0.663175880908966
## 3    pileser 0.642198622226715
## 4    emperor 0.632584810256958
## 5      queen 0.631504416465759
## 6  antiochus 0.626743733882904
## 7    tiglath 0.622674822807312
## 8        vii  0.62063330411911
## 9     regent 0.619060039520264
## 10   alexius 0.616275072097778
### file_name must be binary
dist=distance(file_name = "vec.bin",search_word = "princess",num = 10)
##        word              dist
## 1   duchess 0.769854545593262
## 2   consort 0.752401173114777
## 3    prince 0.727755606174469
## 4  daughter 0.701653897762299
## 5   empress  0.70031350851059
## 6  countess 0.693541049957275
## 7    hedwig 0.686940908432007
## 8     niece 0.686935067176819
## 9     bride  0.67846018075943
## 10  infanta 0.677732884883881
### file_name must be binary
dist=distance(file_name = "vec.bin",search_word = "terrible",num = 10)
##          word              dist
## 1      sorrow 0.629752099514008
## 2    horrible  0.62950724363327
## 3  terrifying 0.627294421195984
## 4       dying 0.626088738441467
## 5       cruel 0.625054001808167
## 6      hunger 0.590250313282013
## 7      doomed 0.577929139137268
## 8    horrific 0.576288521289825
## 9       grief 0.572968125343323
## 10        cry 0.567858517169952

Word analogy:

To get analogy or to observe strong regularities in the word vector space

### file name must be binary
ana=word_analogy(file_name = "vec.bin",search_words = "king queen man",num = 20)
##         word              dist
## 1      woman 0.716363251209259
## 2       girl 0.613960087299347
## 3     blonde 0.580629587173462
## 4      bride 0.548110067844391
## 5       baby 0.541548788547516
## 6       lady 0.540741205215454
## 7    goddess 0.501877009868622
## 8       cute 0.499198257923126
## 9   stranger  0.49639430642128
## 10 gentleman 0.488330274820328
### file name must be binary
ana=word_analogy(file_name = "vec.bin",search_words = "paris france berlin",num = 10)
##              word              dist
## 1         germany 0.792844653129578
## 2         austria 0.709049165248871
## 3         hungary 0.687035202980042
## 4          russia 0.644324779510498
## 5          poland 0.642726004123688
## 6         finland 0.639021933078766
## 7  czechoslovakia 0.617623269557953
## 8       lithuania 0.603914618492126
## 9             gdr 0.599377155303955
## 10     luxembourg 0.578022837638855

Training word2phrase model:

To convert words to phrases

word2phrase(train_file = "text8",output_file = "vec.txt")

### use this new text file to give word vectors
model=word2vec(train_file = "vec.txt",output_file = "vec2.bin",binary=1)

Word count:

To do word count

### to count word occurences in input file
vocab_count(file_name="text8",vocab_file="vocab.txt",min_count = 20)
##    V1      V2
## 1 the 1061396
## 2  of  593677
## 3 and  416629
## 4 one  411764
## 5  in  372201
## 6   a  325873

Bin to txt:

To convert binary output file to text format:

###convert .bin to .txt

Use this text file to get word vectors:

## data.frame':	71291 obs. of  101 variables:
## $ V1  : Factor w/ 71291 levels "a","aa","aaa",..: 55827 63881 45640 2646 45926 31473 1 64596 71091 44557 ...
## $ V2  : num  0.004 1.281 -0.577 -0.352 -0.361 ...
## $ V3  : num  0.00442 0.51466 -0.91757 -0.01408 0.04345 ...
## $ V4  : num  -0.00383 0.36052 0.15737 0.18496 -0.04641 ...
## $ V5  : num  -0.00328 0.0063 1.03664 0.94061 0.95325 ...
## $ V6  : num  0.00137 -0.29928 -0.78016 0.11719 0.46731 ...
## $ V7  : num  0.00302 0.36505 -0.60761 0.13251 1.0106 ...
## $ V8  : num  0.000941 -0.272078 1.016449 0.385708 -0.309844 ...
## $ V9  : num  0.000211 -0.27177 0.371277 -0.084057 -0.759528 ...
## $ V10 : num  -0.0036 -0.8509 -0.5182 0.5113 -0.0053 ...
## $ V11 : num  0.00222 -0.38638 -0.60463 -0.18529 0.23022 ...
## $ V12 : num  -0.00436 -0.13679 0.20418 0.3277 1.7405 ...
## $ V13 : num  0.00125 1.36504 -0.30284 -0.09633 -1.52368 ...
## $ V14 : num  -0.000751 -0.954647 1.317677 0.357123 0.525351 ...

## and so on. 



  • to fix Windows warnings