
A web-based selection screenshot plugin that helps you quickly build a beautiful and functional screenshot selection feature. / 一个web端选区截图插件,帮助你快速构建出精美的选区截图功能。

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


language: English / 简体中文

A web-based selection screenshot plugin that helps you quickly build a beautiful and functional screenshot selection feature.

🎨Live Demo


How it Works

The core principle of region-screenshot-js relies on WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) technology to read browser tab information. Therefore, region-screenshot-js can only operate in a local environment or under HTTPS.

For running region-screenshot-js in non-HTTPS environments (use with caution as this may introduce security risks), follow these steps in Chrome:

  1. Navigate to chrome://flags/#unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure.
  2. Input your website address into the 'Insecure origins treated as secure' field, e.g., http://www.example.com.
  3. Toggle the "Enable" option.


  • npm install region-screenshot-js
  • Or download the repository


ESM(ECMAScript Modules)

import RegionScreenshot from "region-screenshot-js";

UMD(Universal Module Definition)

<script src="region-screenshot-js/region-screenshot.umd.js"></script>

let screenshot = new RegionScreenshot();

Code Example

let screenshot = new RegionScreenshot();



Options Type Default Description
downloadName String screenshot Screenshot Download Filename
regionColor String #409eff region outline color
maskColor String rgba(0,0,0,0.5) Mask layer color
globalColorOptions String [
Available colors for all drawing items (overrides when individual item has its color config)
regionSizeIndicator Object {...} Top-left region size indicator styles (see below)
rectangleOptions Object {
size: [4, 6, 8]
Configures available colors and line widths for rectangle drawing
circleOptions Object {
size: [4, 6, 8]
Configures available colors and line widths for circle drawing
paintOptions Object {
size: [4, 6, 8]
Configures available colors and line widths for freehand drawing
mosaicOptions Object {
size: [6, 8, 10]
Configures available line widths for Mosaic
textOptions Object {
size: [16, 18, 20]
Configures available text colors and font sizes
arrowOptions Object {
size: [4, 6, 8]
Configures available arrow colors and line widths
initialRegion Object - The configured region is automatically selected during initialization
customDrawing Array
- Custom drawings (see below)


Options Type Default Description
show Boolean true Whether the size indicator is shown
color String #ffffff Size indicator color
fontSize Number 14 Size indicator font size


Options Type Default Description
left Number - Initializes the horizontal starting position of the selection
top Number - Initializes the vertical starting position of the selection
width Number - Initializes the width of the selection
height Number - Initializes the height of the selection


Options Type Description
className String Custom class name for the drawing item
optionsHtml String Defines the HTML content for the secondary menu of the custom drawing item
onOptionsCreated Function This function is called when the secondary menu of the custom drawing item is created. The parameter allows access to the secondary menu DOM object.
onDrawingOpen Function This function is invoked when the custom drawing item is activated. Parameters provide access to the canvas DOM object,secondary menu DOM object, and a function to save history. Note: Please invoke the function to save history after each custom drawing action to ensure the undo feature of the plugin functions correctly.
onDrawingClose Function This function is called when the custom drawing item is closed.Parameters provide access to the canvas DOM object,secondary menu DOM object
Code Example
// "$" is from jquery.js
let screenshot = new RegionScreenshot({
  customDrawing: [
      className: "triangle",
      optionsHtml: `
        <div class="triangle-size-options active" size="3">min</div>
        <div class="triangle-size-options" size="5">middle</div>
        <div class="triangle-size-options" size="7">max</div>
      onOptionsCreated(optionsEl) {
          .click(function () {
      onDrawingOpen(canvasEl,optionsEl,saveCallback) {
        let ctx = canvasEl.getContext("2d");
        canvasEl.style.cursor = "crosshair";
        canvasEl.onclick = function (e) {
          ctx.lineWidth = $(optionsEl).find(".triangle-size-options.active").attr("size");
          ctx.moveTo(e.offsetX, e.offsetY - 10);
          ctx.lineTo(e.offsetX - 10, e.offsetY + 10);
          ctx.lineTo(e.offsetX + 10, e.offsetY + 10);
          saveCallback();// Call after each custom draw to ensure undo function works properly
      onDrawingClose(canvasEl) {
        canvasEl.onclick = null;
        canvasEl.style.cursor = "default";


Event Description
screenshotGenerated Triggered upon screenshot completion; retrieves the image base64 encoding in callback
screenshotDownload Triggered when the screenshot is downloaded; retrieves the image base64 encoding in callback
regionDragging Triggered when the region size or position changes; retrieves detailed region position info
regionDragStart Triggered before region size or position change; retrieves detailed region position info
regionDragEnd Triggered after region size or position change; retrieves detailed region position info
successCreated Triggered upon successful plugin initialization
errorCreated Triggered on plugin initialization failure; receives an error message in callback
closed Triggered when the plugin is closed

Code Example

let screenshot = new RegionScreenshot();
	console.log("Plugin initialized successfully.");

🎉Acknowledgements & References

I gratitude to the following open-source plugins, which have provided essential support for the functionality.

  • dom-to-image A plugin to convert DOM nodes into images (used for text drawing).
  • jquery A fast, concise JavaScript library (utilized for DOM selection and event binding).