
Academia Sinica CKIP Lab

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  • Academia Sinica CKIP Lab

  • Summer Internship 2022

    • Collaborators: Ching Wen Yang, Chia Wen Lu
  • Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis System

    • Domain: Restaurant
    • Language: Traditional Chinese
  • Implementation:

    • Unsupervised, rule-based ABSA system
    • CKIP Chinese Dependency Parser
    • Lexicon-based Method: keeping a food(aspect) lexicon of 8K entries and a sentiment(opinion) lexicon cvaw4 of 5.6K entries
      • 2022.8 [Update] Expanding food(aspect) lexicon to 33K entries by crawling and segmenting
    • Shortest path algorithm from a found opinion to a found aspect
      • 2022.8 [Update] For each found opinion, search its aspect by NOUN relations, if a relation exists, set it as the aspect instead of running SP algorithm.
    • Particularly dealing with "Neg" (不) and "Advmod" (都) dep relations
  • Meeting Minutes

  • Drive

  • 🥨 餐廳評論分析系統 Demo (CKIP Cluster/Internal)